I do not have anymore questions inside of me, but I recognize the answers I wrote below and the questions the writings were tacitly inspired from. There was an issue I grappled with for the last 7 years, and I found the answer some weeks ago. The issue: Who am I? The answer: I am Peace. The issue is solved through the following 6 inquiries:
(6) What is my relationship to my body; Am I the body?
(2) “What mistakes am I making, and how was I created?” I see my mistakes every day. Mistakes are when I place my attention without remembering the lens through which I exist, my awareness, is Peace. Mistakes are important because they created me. When I identify as a thought or belief, I create a personality and a personal history, which I combine to form an identity. Every day, I spend as much time as I can spend in meditation, and I see Peace. However, each day there is time when I am not in meditation, and I make mistakes. I see these mistakes each and every day.
(3) “Where is fear, and can fear hurt me?” I have no fear. Fear is a feeling which arises inside of my body after I have made a mistake. The place fear rises is important, because fear does not arise inside of Peace, but is seen through Peace. Anything which can be seen is always seen by Peace, or awareness. This means even the strongest fear could arise, completely debilitating the body or shattering the identity, but it could never touch Peace. Peace, awareness, is prior to any phenomenon which can arise, and so Peace is untouchable.
(4) “What is Peace, and where is it?” Peace is with me. The Peace which is my awareness is the same Peace which was the awareness of all the masters who have ever lived before me. The Peace unites us, and draws a direct connection between us. Being created entirely and existing entirely through Peace makes Peace the only true, everlasting identity. In my life, Peace is the only immutable truth. In my life, Peace is my everlasting identity. I am Peace.
(5) “What am I?” I am the same Peace each master before me was. The Peace has not changed or altered in any way. I existed then as Peace, and the masters exist now as Peace. Peace is eternal, meaning it always has been and always will be, and infinite, meaning Peace is in every place at every time. My existence is impersonal, not connected to thoughts or beliefs, but to Peace. I am alive now, in the past, in the future, and in all space at all time. I am Peace.
(6) “What is my relationship to my body; Am I the body?” Finally, I am proud of my body, the instrument of Peace. My body is an instrument because it is second to Peace, while Peace is first. The recognition of the relationship between Peace and the body is important because the timeline illustrates how both body and Peace can exist at the same time – how finite and infinite can coexist. Being proud of my body means I love my body and treat it with the utmost regard. Treating my body kindly is crucial because my body is finite, and my body will cease to exist if it is not provided for in love and sustenance. The body is a solider of Peace, fighting every day until the body draws its final breath. In my life every day, my body meditates the most it can and processes emotions the best it can so I may live as a reflection of Peace to myself and to the world. While I make many mistakes every day, I know the body is a solider, and I will never fail because my body will never stop until breathing a final breath, and even then I will live on as the same infinite, eternal Peace I already am, already living as, during all of time.
I am Peace