Regina’s Tip for Lesson 8
My favorite paragraph from today’s lesson is this one:
The one wholly true thought one can hold about the past is that it is not here. To think about it at all is therefore to think about illusions. Very few have realized what is actually entailed in picturing the past or in anticipating the future. The mind is actually blank when it does this, because it is not really thinking about anything.
Pause for a moment, and notice now is now. Then continue to pause, and see if you can find the end of now. Is there an actual boundary where now ends and becomes the past or the future?
If you look at your direct experience, you’ll notice that now never ends. It has no boundary. It is eternal.
Now doesn’t move. Experience comes and goes, just as thoughts come and go, but now is eternally unmoving and present.
Now is real. Yet most people miss now entirely because they are thinking about the past or imagining the future. An important key to true perception is learning to recognize the reality of now, and to give attention to this present fact.
Do you have a clock or watch with a second hand? If so, try this exercise:
Watch the second hand as it moves around the face of the watch or clock. Notice the second-hand moves, but now doesn’t move. Keep your attention focused on the unmoving now as you watch the second hand. Notice now is eternally present and absolutely real.
Homework for this week
- Homework Assignment A: ACIM Workbook Lessons 8-14
- Homework Assignment B: Read NTI Romans Chapters 1-7 (p261-270.)
- Do not read all at once. Read a little each day contemplatively. No need to read the Bible.
- Explore the reading through journaling. Journal clarity, questions, confusion, resistance, willingness, etc.