This is our last day with the Final Lessons.
The Introduction to our final lesson says, “We come in honesty to God and say we did not understand, and ask Him to help us learn His lessons, through the Voice of His Own Teacher.”
We are here to let go of our self, which means we cannot rely on our self at all. Clear reasoning can see that as long as we rely on our self, we cannot let go of our self. This is the purpose of coming to know the inner teacher. It gives us something to follow other than the self-centered self.
Most people are not overtly familiar with the inner teacher, because there have been many times in our lives when we dismissed it in favor of our own thinking. Each time we chose our thoughts over intuition, intuition was repressed a little more. That means our thinking is very conscious while our spiritual intuition may be deeply buried beneath the ego. However, this process can be reversed.
By wanting to follow intuition more than thinking, by seeking intuition within and by following intuition when we recognize it, we invite intuition back into our conscious awareness.
As we move forward with Gentle Healing, be prepared to put your thinking aside. Be prepared to put your self aside. To quote Nisargadatta Maharaj:
“Try to be, only to be. The all-important word is “try”. Allot enough time daily for sitting quietly and trying, just trying, to go beyond the personality with its addictions and obsessions. Don’t ask how, it cannot be explained. You just keep on trying until you succeed. If you persevere, there can be no failure. What matters supremely is sincerity, earnestness; you must really have had surfeit of being the person you are; now see the urgent need of being free of this unnecessary self-identification with a bundle of memories and habits. This steady resistance against the unnecessary is the secret of success.”
Intuition is the alternative to “unnecessary self-identification.”
“Steady resistance against the unnecessary” is not thinking, speaking or acting from self-identification; instead, rest until intuition is known, and then follow the guidance that comes from intuition.
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