Today’s workbook lesson starts by saying, “The idea for today is obviously a continuation and extension of the preceding one.”
It is also a continuation and extension of the lessons before that.
Consider “I am determined to see things differently” in context with the tips from Lessons 18 and 19. When you see things differently, the world is affected differently. That realization can be incredibly motivating.
Remember Ramana Maharshi’s statement:
“Your own Self-Realization is the greatest service you can render the world.”
Contemplate that as you practice the idea for today.
Homework for this week
- Homework Assignment A: ACIM Workbook Lessons 15-21
a. Note: Lesson 20 asks us to repeat the lesson to ourselves twice per hour, preferably on the half-hour. One can set an alarm to remind one’s self, but it is generally better if one remembers because of the desire to remember. Recommend ending each 30-minute practice with a heartfelt intention to remember again in 30 minutes. Whenever you notice that you forgot, remind yourself how important this is to you and begin again in that moment. - Homework Assignment B: Read NTI Ephesians (p. 339-347).
- Homework Assignment A: ACIM Workbook Lessons 15-21