We have been asked to surrender. Today’s reading shares tips on how to surrender effectively.
Guidance is Now
Guidance is the highest vibrational option available in the current moment. It’s important to realize this. People often want to seek guidance about some point in the future or about some imaginary problem. Guidance has nothing to do with future possibilities or imaginary problems. Guidance is the highest vibrational choice available now about now. Pay attention for current guidance, and the future will take care of itself.
Problems and Solutions
The thinking mind and the ego are synonymous—two different terms pointing to the same phenomenon. The ego maintains its sense of existence by creating problems and resolving them. It is a problem-solution mechanism.
Most humans believe that thinking is the way to solve a problem. What they usually don’t see is the same mechanism that solves problems, creates new problems as soon as old ones are resolved. There is no end to the mind’s problems, because if the mind ever ceased creating problems, the ego would cease to be.
When this ongoing problem-solution loop is seen clearly, one realizes that peace will never be found with the mind. It promises peace as it encourages you to think through the current problem, but it never delivers on that promise. Instead, it delivers a new problem. The only way to be free of the mind’s ongoing problem-solution madness is to stop listening to the mind. That’s the purpose of surrender, which is living by intuition instead of by thinking.
The Pitfall of Questioning Guidance
Whenever we seek for the current highest vibrational option, one is present. One is always present. By looking for it, we find it. However, the mistake that many people make is questioning that option once they’ve seen it. For example, “Am I sure this is the best option for me? Maybe I should …”
When we question the option that is provided through intuition, we reengage the thinking mind. Since the thinking mind wants to be engaged, it is happy to respond by giving you plenty to think about. Through questioning intuition’s answer, the thinking mind continues to thrive.
Oops, I Did it Again
Anyone who is learning to follow guidance will forget to tune within sometimes. Living by thinking is a strong habit, and so we all fall back on that habit repeatedly during the learning process. What are we to do when we discover that we’ve relied on thinking again? As soon as we notice, ask intuition, “What am I to do now?” As stated earlier, a current highest vibrational option is always present. That includes now, even after forgetting to be tuned in intuitively for a time.
See that Thinking is a Mess
Today’s reading asks you to watch the thinking process and see what it is. Typically, we just think of it as ‘me’ or ‘my thoughts’, so we don’t look to see what thinking is really doing.
Watch to see what happens in your thinking today. Some of the things you might find in thinking include:
- Desiring something that you don’t have.
- Wanting to change something that you do have.
- Thinking about problems.
- Replaying old conversations or imagining future conversations.
- Narrating what you are doing, just so thinking can reemphasize the “I” concept over and over. For example, “I think I’ll take my umbrella with me today. It might rain, and I don’t want to get wet.”
- Questioning whether you are happy with such-and-such or so-and-so (such as a job, a home or a partner.)
- Constantly self-assessing and judging yourself, either favorably or unfavorably
- Defining how you want to be seen by others, and then thinking about things you can do, or should avoid, in order to be seen that way.
- Thinking about what you think others think of you.
- Worrying about financial security or some other sense of security, such as health, beauty, power, popularity or belonging.
- And etcetera.
Thoughts of Awakening # 73
Forgiveness is remembering
there is nothing you would hold to
that blocks the awareness of love.
~From our Holy Spirit