Today, we will look at a message regarding these three states of mind:
Resistor– The state of mind when you fully believe the body-mind-personality is what you are.
Doubter– The state of mind when you are learning about truth and questioning everything you believed as resistor. This is most likely the state of mind you are in now.
Abiding– The state of mind when you embrace truth as your reality and live from that instead of from thought.
Today’s message points out that when you ask inner guidance questions, you are identified with the false self. During this stage of the journey, you still think mental chatter is you thinking, and so you seek wisdom that comes from beyond you. During this stage, which is the doubter stage, you are moving towards abiding and away from resistor, but identification still lies firmly with the false self.
As long as you identify with the false self, going within for guidance and wisdom is wise. However, at some point you will take the step that breaks the attachment to mind. When you break the attachment to mind, you will listen to inner wisdom easily throughout the day without asking questions. Wisdom simply arises and is followed.
The only reason one struggles to follow inner wisdom throughout the day is because she is identified with mental chatter.
In other words:
You always listen to yourself (as you perceive yourself) first.
If you think mental chatter is you, you listen to it first.
If you see yourself as __________ (there is no word to use here), you listen to wisdom throughout the day.
Abiding has no identification, which is why there is a blank in the sentence above. Abiding knows ‘I am,’ but there is no identification like, “I am smart,” or “I am old,” or “I am …
Ideas of identification come from mental chatter, and they aren’t true. They are simply identifying with a thought or an experience; clinging to something temporary, and saying that is what I am. But that can’t be right, because that is something passing, and you are eternal.
You are the blank in the sentence above.
Here is another way of defining the three states of mind:
Resistor– The “I know” and “I’m right” mind. Also known as the ego or false self.
Doubter– The “I don’t know” so “I must seek” mind. Also known as the seeker or spiritual aspirant.
Abiding– The _________ guided by the highest vibration in the moment. Also known as “Self-realized,” although ___________ is a much better descriptor.
Note: If one is identified with being Self-realized, one is not abiding. More likely, since he allowed this identification to creep in, he is slipping back toward resistor—into “I know” and “I’m right” mind.
Thoughts of Awakening # 326
God cannot be described.
God can be known,
but it cannot be put into words.
It is time now to go beyond words,
to forget words altogether.
Although words may be used
to trigger a glimpse, a memory
or a realization of truth,
it is not the words that teach.
It is experience that teaches,
and it teaches only that
which you already know.
What it teaches is your home,
your reality and
what you are.
From our Holy Spirit
Homework for this week
- Practice daily meditation for 30-60 minutes each day.
- Practice the “Loving All” Method.
- Thoughts of Awakening, 323-329, including the Commentary on Discovering False Identity (Day 325).
- Read the following messages from The Teaching of Inner Ramana: Moving from Resistor to Abiding in Self, The Missing Ramana Message.
*If you don’t already have it, order The Seven Steps to Awakening. That will be our text for Year 3.