Today, we continue looking at the seventh step in the awakening process. That step is to give no meaning to anything the ego may say or anything you may experience as the ego dies its final death.
When you go through the ego’s final death, you do not go through it alone. The right-mind (awake consciousness) is present and able to help you through to awakening if you are open to its guidance. The way to be open to its guidance is to give no meaning to anything the ego may say or anything you may experience as the ego dies its final death.
Revelation 10 speaks of an angel “holding a little scroll, which lay open in his hand.” This scroll represents the guidance of the right-mind.
Today, you will read Revelation 10 and let the right-mind interpret it for you. On Day 272, we learned how to make room for the right-mind’s interpretation. We were taught to:
Step back.
Detach from what your mind thinks.
Look at the whole as it is.
Feel within for intuition.
Practice these steps as you read Revelation 10 today. Let a right-minded interpretation come to you. Don’t prejudge what that interpretation should be. Let the right-mind speak to you in whatever way it wants. Simply let it flow. Discover what guidance you are given when you open up to it.
Complete today’s reading this way:
- Read today’s reading in NTI.
- After you finish today’s NTI reading, read Revelation 10 from the Bible.
- After you finish reading Revelation 10 or as you read Revelation 10, depending on how you are guided, write the right-minded interpretation that comes to you.
- When the right-minded writing is complete, review it to see what guidance you are given.
For those of you who are interested, here is a video by Dr. David Hawkins about the final death of the ego. You can watch the video before or after doing today’s assignment, as you feel guided:
Thoughts of Awakening # 279
Happiness is derived from not-wanting.
It is derived from being…
just being right now
with the experience as it is.
Being is cut-off or hidden
when judgment is intact.
Therefore happiness is derived from being,
not judgment.
~From our Holy Spirit
Homework for this week
- Practice daily meditation for 30-60 minutes each day.
- Practice the “Loving All” Method.
- Thoughts of Awakening, 274-280 including the Commentary on Love (day 274).
- Read NTI Revelatio. Read the Bible excerpt when 6-11. Read the Bible excerpt whenever there is a Bible icon next to the verses in NTI Revelation. Do the journaling exercises mentioned in NTI Revelation 8, 9 and 10. No NTI Reading on Day 274