NTI Revelation 1 is one of my favorite readings in NTI. It provides simple clarity to help us avoid common pitfalls on the spiritual path. If we remember its wisdom, we can walk the “narrow path” to enlightenment without detours or delays.
For example, consider how many people throughout history have idolized Buddha and Jesus, or how many people idolize Mooji or A Course in Miracles today.
Today’s reading says:
Do not idolize anything within the world or any symbol that is sent to lead you from the world. Hold to them as they are useful, but let them go when their usefulness has past. You are to keep moving by letting go until you find yourself with nothing left to hold onto.
Idolizing any figure, scripture or theology is a delay on the spiritual path. Identifying with the idea that you are a spiritual person is another delay. Using the Law of Attraction to get happiness in the world is a detour from the spiritual path. Believing that health is better than sickness, riches are better than poverty or that poverty is better than riches are also detours.
Pay attention to what St. Clare of Assisi said:
Never forget that the way which leads to heaven is narrow; that the gate leading to life is narrow and low; that there are but few who find it and enter by it; and if there be some who go in and tread the narrow path for some time, there are but very few who persevere therein.
Since today’s reading provides guidance about how to walk the narrow path without delays or detours, I recommend taking notes as you read.
Thoughts of Awakening # 269
The Self is all.
All is the Self.
When it appears differently
one is not seeing
through the “I” of knowledge.
One is seeing
through the “I” of ignorance.
Ignorance does not know.
Do not believe its sight.
Surrender to the “I” of knowledge,
and be shown.
~From our Holy Spirit
Homework for this week
- Practice daily meditation for 30-60 minutes each day.
- Practice the “Loving All” Method.
- Thoughts of Awakening, 267-273
- Read NTI 3 John, NTI Jude, NTI Revelation 1-5. Read the Bible excerpt whenever there is a Bible icon next to the verses in NTI Revelation.
- Reading was from The Transparency of Things by Rupert Spira, p. 249-253, The Moon’s Light & The Natural Condition.