Please read and contemplate the following commentary in the same way that you read and contemplate the Thought of Awakening. The commentaries are designed to enrich your understanding.
~Commentary on True Practice~
Intellectual knowledge or intellectual spiritual teachings are helpful only to the degree that they lead the one seeking to practice. When one is engaged in practice, one is not so concerned with intellectual understanding. One wants only to practice. This means that one’s heart has become big, or his desire for inner peace or knowledge of Self has become more full.
When one’s desire is not as full, he seeks intellectual teaching. Intellectual teaching can serve two purposes:
Intellectual teaching can be used to water desire so that it grows into more fullness and leads to practice, or …
Intellectual teaching can be used to satisfy the ego’s idea of “I am spiritual” and it can lead to more and more intellectual reading and seeking without many intervals of true practice.
True practice leads to awakening, because true practice is not believing ego. Since belief in ego is the only problem, not believing ego as self is true practice, and true practice is the solution until solution is no longer needed.
~From our Holy Spirit
Thoughts of Awakening # 260
Not believing ego is true practice.
True practice is the solution,
because belief in ego is the only problem.
This is why the answer can only be found within.
Although pointers are given without,
the problem and the answer are within.
To stay focused on without
is to look away from the problem
and the answer.
Look within and ask,
“What am I?”
This is a question of discernment.
True practice is taking this advice.
~From our Holy Spirit
Homework for this week
- Practice daily meditation for 30-60 minutes each day.
- Practice the “Loving All” Method.
- Thoughts of Awakening, 260-266
- Read Commentary on True Practice on day 260, NTI 1 John 1-5 and NTI 2 John