Yesterday’s tip said:
Everything that you see,
and the way in which you see it,
is a reflection of your feelings and your beliefs about you.
The “you” in this sentence is inclusive. It includes the body-mind-personality that you identify with as your self, and it also includes everyone and everything.
Contemplate this:
I am in God.
God is in me.
God is all.
All is God.
You can also substitute “Self,” “Spirit” or “Consciousness” for God in the previous contemplation. For example:
I am in Consciousness.
Consciousness is in me.
Consciousness is all.
All is Consciousness.
There is no separation or differentiation in that. It is a contemplation that points to the essence of truth.
Today’s reading says:
Whatever you see that seems to separate you from others is a misperception, and it has arisen within your awareness, that it may be let go through your decision to be free of it.
Check with your heart. Are you ready to let go of every idea that points out differences among people as if those differences represent who people are?
Don’t misunderstand me. There are differences among people, and to deny those differences would be foolish. For example, some people are very ambitious for their goals and other people don’t seem to want to do anything except drink alcohol and watch TV, but do those differences actually mean anything about who the people are? Aren’t both the ambitious one (rajasic) and the idle one (tamasic) life-awareness? Aren’t they both simply believing the thoughts in their mind, thoughts that are given to them through the script generated by the creative principle? Are there any real differences at all?
Today’s reading says:
There is no judgment in the world. There is only judgment within your mind.
Let’s consider a tree for a moment. Does a tree judge the ambitious character and the idle character as different? As better? As less? As right? As wrong? As needing to change?
The enlightened human mind is more like the tree. Oh, it sees things that the tree cannot see. That’s true. However, it’s way of being with what it sees is the same as the tree. What the enlightened mind sees does not affect the enlightened one’s way of being, and the enlightened one does not project judgments on what it sees.
Are you ready to let go of misperceptions that block the enlightened mind so you can see with freedom and be in joy? It is up to you, because when an unenlightened thought comes into the mind, you are the one who decides to give it value and attention. You can, just as easily, choose to see it as something you do not want.
If you are ready to be free, pay careful attention to today’s reading. Choose to live life with the purpose of healing every misperception that arises for you.
What is healing?
To heal is to correct. In this case, to correct is to remove value (attention) from that which you’ve placed value on, but in reality it is valueless.
What has value?
Your truth has value.
Look to a tree as a representation of truth. The tree is like the enlightened mind. It does not judge the ones who gather under it, and the ones who gather under it do not affect the tree. For the tree, there are no differences at all.
Thoughts of Awakening # 254
With hand or fingers
placed on the Heart,
wherever in the chest
or belly or throat
you perceive it to be…
With hand or fingers
placed on the Heart,
repeat in love,
“Only this.
Only this.
I want and need
only this.”
~From our Holy Spirit
Homework for this week
- Practice daily meditation for 30-60 minutes each day.
- Practice the “Loving All” Method.
- Thoughts of Awakening, 253-259
- Read NTI 1 Peter 2-5 & NTI 2 Peter 1-3
- If you do not have The Teachings of Inner Ramana, order it now. We will begin reading fromthat book in week 97.