When we believe manifestation is reality, we are in darkness as opposed to light. (Ref: Day 226.) That could also be called ignorance, as opposed to knowledge. However, that doesn’t mean that manifestation should be disdained. In fact, the opposite is true. The purpose of manifestation is love (joy).
Yesterday, we saw that love loves the whole, not just selected parts or circumstances. Today’s reading guides us to love all of humanity exactly as it is, without asking any part of humanity to be different. The reading is reminiscent of Jesus’ last instructions to his disciples:
A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another. By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another.
~ John 13: 34,35
Love loves. That is its nature. It does not select what it will and will not love. Selection and rejection are aspects of judgment, and judgment is the tool that was born out of a desire for something different from truth. (Ref: NTI Romans 2.)
To return to the realization of truth, be truth. Truth is love (joy).
Today’s reading offers a means by which you can genuinely love everyone just as they are. It asks you not to see people through the filter of personhood, which includes rules and expectations that define “good people” and “bad people,” “attractive people” and “unattractive people,” etcetera. Today’s reading recommends that you see all people as expressions of freedom. To see everything as an expression of freedom is to focus on a quality of consciousness. Therefore, to focus on everything as an expression of freedom is letting go of the filter of personhood. (Ref: Day 214.)
Thoughts of Awakening # 228
Expansion is the realization of truth
over illusion.
It is the putting aside of limits,
which never existed.
It is seeing beyond false identity
into the unknown
and ungraspable,
which is you.
You are not
to be controlled
or limited,
not even by you.
You are to be discovered,
and discovery happens
through allowing the mystery.
~From our Holy Spirit
Homework for this week
- Practice daily meditation for 30-60 minutes each day.
- Practice the “Loving All” Method.
- Thoughts of Awakening, 225-231
- Read NTI 1 Timothy 1-6 & NTI 2 Timothy 1-2
- The reading from Rupert Spira was from The Transparency of Things, p215-220, Consciousness Peace ‘I’ and Just This.
- Exercise: Just notice your motive behind whatever you are doing. Are you “undressing” or trying to get something. If you are, then rest, accept and rest to “undress” whatever that is. Notice the motive of your spiritual practice.