As I write this, it is the day after euthanizing my dog, Jamie. Yesterday, after she was gone, I decided to go for a walk, which is what I would have done had she been alive and healthy. I went to one of her favorite places along the Arkansas River.
As I walked, I noticed lizards, grasshoppers, ants, birds, trees, the water, and the wind. I felt awed by the intensity of life. It was so full of itself—vibrantly present and immediate. I could not find death in life. I knew the dog, Jamie, had ended, but yet there was no loss or lack in life. There wasn’t a hole in life where Jamie had been. Life was perfectly intact.
As NTI John taught, life and light are one. NTI John 1 said:
The Light is in all men and with all men. The Light does not fade or wither, but the darkness that fills the sight of man does not see the Light or choose to know it. And so, the Light waits on welcome, that it may be known.
What is the “darkness that fills the sight of man”?
It is the belief that manifestation is reality. It is the belief that I am the person, that Jamie was the dog, that an ant is just an ant, etcetera.
On Day 212, we saw that it’s a mistake to see ourselves as merely manifestation. It is more correct to say we are the creative principle than it is to say we are the person. To say we are consciousness is closer to truth. To say we are life is truth. To say we are all of it (life, consciousness, creation and manifestation) is the essence of truth, since consciousness, creation and manifestation are made of life. Life is the source and essence of all things.
Today’s reading says:
Rest within the acceptance that the temporal being you seem to be is not the totality of your Beingness, and so it cannot be the truth of what you are.
The person that you appear to be is to be loved, just as Jamie was to be loved, but the person is a temporary expression occurring through the creative principle. You are much more than that.
Thoughts of Awakening # 226
Rest the mind frequently today,
as often as you remember,
and notice as you take a moment
to do nothing
and to think nothing
that you exist.
Just notice this.
Notice that nothing needs to be done
for this one magnificent fact to be true.
Nothing needs to be thought
to realize this truth.
The fact of existence already is.
It is now.
It is true.
It is complete.
And take a moment
to thank your Father
for the gift of existence.
~From our Holy Spirit
Homework for this week
- Practice daily meditation for 30-60 minutes each day.
- Practice the “Loving All” Method.
- Thoughts of Awakening, 225-231
- Read NTI 1 Timothy 1-6 & NTI 2 Timothy 1-2
- The reading from Rupert Spira was from The Transparency of Things, p215-220, Consciousness Peace ‘I’ and Just This.
- Exercise: Just notice your motive behind whatever you are doing. Are you “undressing” or trying to get something. If you are, then rest, accept and rest to “undress” whatever that is. Notice the motive of your spiritual practice.