In NTI Ephesians, we learned that we are the creative process and our way of being is creative spirit. In NTI Philippians, we learned the importance of living from our spiritual aspiration, which is also called our motive, purpose, intention and true desire. In NTI Colossians, both NTI Ephesians and NTI Philippians were reviewed and emphasized, plus we saw that our absolute truth is Life, the First Principle of God. Since we are Life, the source of all things, we are also all things that come from Life, including the Second Principle of God (spirit, consciousness), the Third Principle of God (the creative process), and the Fourth Principle of God (form, manifestation.) In fact, we could rename the Four Principles of God as the Four Principles of You.
NTI 1 Thessalonians uses another word to describe what you are: Peace.
It also says that peace is the way to know your Self and your guidance.
NTI 1 Thessalonians describes peace as “gentle gratitude.” It also describes it as “love for all that is.” It’s interesting to contemplate that you are gentle gratitude, and gentle gratitude is the way to know your Self. Likewise, you are love for all that is and love for all that is is the way to know your Self.
To know is to be. ~ Nisargadatta Maharaj
It’s also true that lack of peace is not what you are and lack of peace is not the way to know your Self. When we give believing attention to lack of peace, which is any degree of upset, we choose illusion; we choose not to know our Self.
NTI 1 Thessalonians recommends using every upset as an opportunity to heal the belief that we are what we are not. It also warns us that the ‘I am bad’ belief stimulates denial and repression instead of healing, so we must be willing to transcend the belief ‘I am bad’ each time an upset occurs. By choosing not to believe, “I am bad,” we can look at the upset with peace and achieve “consistent and steady healing.”
Thoughts of Awakening # 217
When you free fall,
you can only observe.
You have no control.
If you feel fear,
free fall into that.
Observe fear, and let it be.
When you are trying to change,
you are not free falling.
You are clinging.
Let it be.
Free fall into freedom.
~From our Holy Spirit
Homework for this week
- Practice daily meditation for 30-60 minutes each day.
- Practice the “Loving All” Method.
- Thoughts of Awakening, 211-217 including Commentary on Desire (with 211), Commentary on Gratitude (with 213), Commentary on Happiness (with 215), & Commentary on Experience (with 216)
- Read NTI Collosians 1-4 (No NTI reading on days 211,213,215, or 216).
- The reading from Rupert Spira was from The Transparency of Things, p210-214, A Knowing Space.
- Exercise is the What is Constant game. As changes seem to occur in your daily life, ask what is constant? If you are mad at someone now, ask what is constant. What is the same now as it was earlier that morning? Even ask, what is the difference between experience and non-experience?