Today’s reading opens with this paragraph:
Now is the day of salvation, for now is the day that you can choose to think apart from the world. You can choose to think apart from your experience. As you do this earnestly, your experience will change, and you will find yourself willing to let go of the world.
Interestingly, the previous paragraph does not end with:
As you do this earnestly, your experience will change, and you will have everything you want the way you want it.
Instead it says:
As you do this earnestly, your experience will change, and you will find yourself willing to let go of the world.
Yesterday, we saw that Ramana Maharshi said:
Happiness is your nature.
It is not wrong to desire it.
What is wrong is seeking it outside when it is inside.
Everyone wants happiness. Since happiness is our true nature and we feel lost from our true nature, it is natural to seek happiness. However, it is a mistake to seek happiness in the world, because the world was created to be different from truth, which means different from our true nature. Happiness cannot be found in the world. Happiness can only be found in our true nature.
Some people may argue against this point by saying that although they aren’t always happy in the world, they do experience some happiness in the world. They might argue that they are happy when they are with their children, grandchildren, lover, pets or favorite hobbies.
Let’s look at that more carefully and see if these things truly bring us happiness.
Has there ever been a time when you were with your children, grandchildren, lover, pet or favorite hobby and you felt something other than happiness? Have you ever felt distracted, worried, frustrated, annoyed, disappointed or any other way that was not happiness when you were with your children, grandchildren, lover, pet or favorite hobby?
If so, then we can say that your children, grandchildren, lover, pet or favorite hobbies don’t bring you happiness consistently, since you don’t always feel happiness with your children, grandchildren, lover, pet or favorite hobbies.
Next, let’s see if these things ever bring you happiness or if happiness has a different cause.
First, let’s examine what your true nature is. We have called your true nature “consciousness,” “awareness,” “life,” “emptiness” “openness” and “Love.” Another term that we can use is “being.” Whenever you are simply being open awareness, accepting the current moment as it is without a wish for it to be different, you are abiding as your true nature. Since your true nature is happiness, you experience happiness when you are being your Self.
Recall a moment when you were not happy with your children, grandchildren, lover, pet or favorite hobby. Look at what was in your mind in that moment. Notice that you were judging something. You thought something should be different than it was. The cause of your unhappiness wasn’t your children, grandchildren, lover, pet or favorite hobby. The cause of your unhappiness was your judgment.
Now, recall a moment when you were happy with your children, grandchildren, lover, pet or favorite hobby. Notice you were not judging in that moment. You were not wishing things were different. You were simply being with the moment. You were open and aware without judgment. You were abiding as your true nature, and that is why you were happy. Happiness is your true nature. Since you weren’t blocking your true nature with judgment, you were naturally happy.
This is important, because if we think certain things or certain circumstances in the world make us happy, there will always be other things and other circumstances in the world that we believe make us unhappy. This leaves us seeking those things we think make us happy and trying to avoid those things that we think make us unhappy. We start trying to control the world around us, which we can never do, and we become completely lost from our Self and our joy.
“Think apart from the world” is another way of asking us to abide as our Self regardless of the current circumstances. It is another way of asking us to be open awareness without asking things to be different. When we learn to be with every circumstance in this way, we abide as our Self, and we are happy because our Self is happiness.
The opening paragraph from today’s reading says:
Now is the day of salvation, for now is the day that you can choose to think apart from the world. You can choose to think apart from your experience. As you do this earnestly, your experience will change, and you will find yourself willing to let go of the world.
The reason thinking apart from the world prepares us to let go of the world is because we learn that happiness isn’t found in the world. It is found in our true nature. At that point, abiding as our true nature becomes our only real goal.
Thoughts of Awakening # 181
Let go of appearances today
by looking at the aliveness
that is.
When you look at aliveness
and celebrate aliveness
for the simplicity and perfection
that it is,
appearances are not judged,
because appearances are seen
to be meaningless.
~From our Holy Spirit
Homework for this week
- Practice daily meditation for 30-60 minutes each day.
- Practice the “Loving All” Method.
- Thoughts of Awakening, 176-182
- Read NTI 2 Corinthians 1-7
- The reading shared on Tuesday night was from The Transparency of Things by Rupert Spira, 188-191, Consciousness is Self-Luminous
- Exercise:The game this week is to spend some time in mediation. Start being aware, without judgment, just notice what you hear, sensations, smells. Just notice and don’t rush it. Allow your awareness to open up and when your mind quiets, ask, “What is aware?” Become aware of awareness.