Does it matter how we be prior to awakening?
NTI does recommend specific ways of being as we walk this path of awakening.
Why does how we be matter?
Because our way of being either supports and reinforces ego or it ignores ego. The way of being that ignores ego is most helpful in the process of awakening. The way of being that ignores ego abides by conscience and inner spiritual wisdom.
We were first introduced to the importance of our way of being on Day 2 when kindness was emphasized as a way of being. Recently, NTI Romans 16 highlighted ways of being including patience, trust, humility, honoring others and being discerning within our own minds. Today’s reading also focuses on ways of being.
Just as you did on Day 159, takes notes on the ways of being presented in today’s reading. As you do, contemplate the importance of being in a way that emulates the true Self instead of bolstering ideas of division, self-will and self-centeredness. If it feels right for you, review your notes from Day 159 as part of this contemplation.
Thoughts of Awakening # 175
When you look at an idea
that is false,
look at it until you know
it is false.
Do not let yourself say,
“This idea is false,”
when in truth
you believe it is true.
Hold the idea in your mind
for the purpose of looking at it,
trusting that it is false,
until you see it is not true.
When your own recognition
sees the falseness of an idea
that isn’t true
the idea and its mesmerism
will begin to fade away.
~From our Holy Spirit
Homework for this week
- Practice daily meditation for 30-60 minutes each day.
- Practice the “Loving All” Method.
- Thoughts of Awakening, 169-175
- Read NTI 1 Corinthians 10-16
- The reading shared on Tuesday night was from The Transparency of Things by Rupert Spira, 185-187, The Here and Now of Presence
- Exercise: This week we have two games. The first is to tune into the sense of hereness. Notice that it doesn’t change no matter where you are. You’re always here. That’s consciousness.
The second is everything is happening now. Even thoughts about the past or the future are happening now. The now is stable and constant. Time happens in the now. Notice it’s always now. No matter when you notice, it’s always now. The same now.
The now and the here and consciousness are all the same thing. It is what you are. That’s why it is always here and now.