Yesterday’s reading said that Jesus is a symbol of our truth. Today’s reading says the same thing. However, it points out that Jesus isn’t the only symbol of our truth. It says:
To call you back to your truth, through the forest of your conscious awareness, the Holy Spirit sends symbols of Light. These symbols come in many forms and many manners, of which Jesus is one. But they are all symbols leading you back to your truth, which is beyond your belief and conscious awareness.
A few of the symbols of light are Krishna, Buddha, Ramana Maharshi, Nisargadatta Maharaj, The Tao Te Ching, A Course in Miracles, NTI and etcetera. There are many, many symbols of light in the world.
Today’s reading also says:
Remain alert to the symbols that are sent into your conscious awareness to follow. Lock onto them, and be led Home. Let everything else pass as you see it.
That is a very important instruction. Please take time to let that instruction sink into your heart and conscious mind today.
Interestingly, today’s reading says that the Holy Spirit is not a symbol. To be clear, the words, “Holy Spirit,” are a symbol. Those specific words are a cultural symbol based on Jewish and Christian scripture. However, the spiritual intuition that those words point to is not a symbol in the way that Jesus, Ramana Maharshi and NTI are symbols. Spiritual intuition is wisdom that resides within consciousness and rises into conscious awareness when you are willing for it. The reading says it is:
“the pure reflection of truth within the memory of your mind.”
In this case, “memory” has nothing to do with the past. It is like the memory in a computer. Just as data is retrieved from the hard drive and stored in a computer’s memory so you can read it and work with it, spiritual wisdom rises into conscious awareness so you can be aware of it and follow it. That means that although Jesus, Ramana Maharshi, NTI and etcetera are symbols, the clarity you receive while contemplating them is not a symbol. It is truth realization.
Thoughts of Awakening # 143
Listen to life.
It sings a different song
than stories do.
It whistles
to a different tune.
Life sings of waiting,
watching and unfolding.
Stories tell of planning,
making and doing.
Life whistles in patience,
acceptance and happiness.
Stories scream of needs,
fears and control.
Life is peaceful.
Stories are busy.
Life is a moving flow of harmony.
Stories are stuck
in the way things need to be.
~From our Holy Spirit
Homework for this week
- Practice daily meditation for 30-60 minutes each day.
- Practice the “Loving All” Method.
- Thoughts of Awakening, 141-147
- Read NTI Romans 5-10
- The reading shared on Tuesday night was from The Transparency of Things by Rupert Spira, p. 161-165 still in Nature’s Eternity.
- Exercise: When you see beauty and feel your heart open, notice that what you are having is the experience of oneness, You as consciousness is having the eperience of oneness with what you are observing.