Today’s reading tells the story of how the Second Principle of God, Consciousness, created the Third Principle of God, which is the creative principle, and how through the creative principle, the Fourth Principle of God is made manifest. It says the entire process started with a wish, which was something like:
What if nothing was as it is?
What if I could make something completely different,
and make it whatever I want?
What would that be like?
In effect, the wish was consciousness wishing it could make something other than consciousness, which the reading calls “an impossible hypothesis” that could never be true.
As an analogy, imagine that children’s molding clay decides to make something different from children’s molding clay, and so it forms a city out of children’s molding clay. Did it actually make something different than children’s molding clay?
No. Regardless of what is formed from the clay, children’s molding clay is still all there is.
To continue, consciousness wished for the experience of something different from consciousness and it “needed a tool to create this experience.” The tool it created is the Third Principle of God, the creative principle. But what is that actually?
NTI calls it judgment or decision. Another word that could have been used is declaration. The creative principle—the tool that creates everything in manifestation—is the judgment, decision or declaration that something is real.
Let’s pause and look at this for just a moment.
The story about the wish and the creative principle is not a “once upon a time” story. We are consciousness now. If we are not awakened to consciousness, the wish is a part of our subconscious now, and we make manifestation appear real now. This is a story about what we are doing now.
How do we make things appear real?
By deciding they are real.
Let me give you an example:
Let’s imagine that you are married. You are somewhat content in your marriage, even though your marriage has its challenges. One day your partner comes to you and says, “I want a divorce.”
You are shocked. You didn’t see this coming. You feel flattened by a blow from a fist as big as the universe. It feels as if everything has come crashing down on you. You carry this feeling with you for years after your partner leaves.
Actually, you are okay. Although property was divided during the divorce process, you have a roof over your head, you eat food everyday, you drive a car, and etcetera. However, you decided that you were “flattened by a blow from a fist as big as the universe” and “everything has come crashing down on you,” so that is how you see it. You cannot see that you are okay. If someone points out that you are okay and there is no reason to be upset, you think that person is cruel and insensitive.
When we judge something as real, we make it real for us. Each time we judge anything, we subconsciously declare it to be real. Judgment is divine decision. It is the Third Principle of God.
Today’s reading also explains how truth became repressed and forgotten as appearance became primary. In this same process, spiritual intuition became repressed and thinking, which is a type of appearance, became our primary agent for decision-making.
As soon as appearance became our primary agent for decision-making, we led our self deeper into appearance and believed it was reality. In this way, belief became an unconscious form of judgment. Belief unconsciously judges something as real.
As we know, the appearance has become quite complicated. It is filled with appearances to believe and judge, all of which keeps the creative principle active, and innumerable appearances continue to appear, appearing real.
Thoughts of Awakening # 138
Today is a day of recognizing
the silent, still Source within.
Focus on one word today
and let all else be as it is.
The one word is this:
Focus on this word today,
and let it speak volumes.
~From our Holy Spirit
Homework for this week
- Practice daily meditation for 30-60 minutes each day.
- Practice the “Loving All” Method.
- Thoughts of Awakening, 134-140
- Read NTI Acts Chapters 25-28 & NTI Romans 1-4
- The reading shared on Tuesday night was from The Transparency of Things by Rupert Spira, p. 157-160 Nature’s Eternity (part 2)
- Exercise: Consciouness and Existence are one. Life-Awareness. Just One. Start looking outside yourself at anything and remember this exists and consciousness and existence are one so this must be consciousness. Share that thought with yourself all week long. We’re used to seeing ourselves as consciousness and we want to start seeing everything as consciousness. If it exist, it is consciousness.
“In the Christian tradition, this understanding is expressed as, “I and my Father are one.” ‘I’ is Consciousness, that which I truly am. ‘My Father’ is the Reality of the universe, God. This expression, ‘I and my Father are one’, is an expression of the fundamental unity of Consciousness and Reality, of the Self with all things.” Rupert Spira