Note: If desired, watch all of Acts 27 from the Visual Bible movie, Acts.
Yesterday, we learned the world is like a play. Each actor (or player) receives a script that guides how the actor plays his/her part in the world. This play has two directors, and the scripts are different depending on which director you listen to.
One script comes from the ego. It is received as thinking. This script presupposes that the world is real. It leads its actors to be highly engaged with the world and the current situation.
The other script comes from awakened consciousness. It is received as intuition. This script knows the world is not real. It knows all things are consciousness and all appearances are created by consciousness through the creative principle. It guides the actors who listen to it to let go of false beliefs and awaken to truth.
Today’s reading teaches us how to follow the script that comes from awakened consciousness. I recommend taking notes as you read from NTI today. Taking notes will help you absorb the guidance in today’s reading. You’ll also be able to keep your notes for easy future reference.
Thoughts of Awakening # 135
Follow in order to lead.
Following and leading are the same.
Ultimately there is no difference,
since there is no one separate from you
to follow or to lead.
Follow the Voice of your Heart,
and you lead yourself
into awakening.
~From our Holy Spirit
Homework for this week
- Practice daily meditation for 30-60 minutes each day.
- Practice the “Loving All” Method.
- Thoughts of Awakening, 134-140
- Read NTI Acts Chapters 25-28 & NTI Romans 1-4
- The reading shared on Tuesday night was from The Transparency of Things by Rupert Spira, p. 157-160 Nature’s Eternity (part 2)
- Exercise: Consciouness and Existence are one. Life-Awareness. Just One. Start looking outside yourself at anything and remember this exists and consciousness and existence are one so this must be consciousness. Share that thought with yourself all week long. We’re used to seeing ourselves as consciousness and we want to start seeing everything as consciousness. If it exist, it is consciousness.
“In the Christian tradition, this understanding is expressed as, “I and my Father are one.” ‘I’ is Consciousness, that which I truly am. ‘My Father’ is the Reality of the universe, God. This expression, ‘I and my Father are one’, is an expression of the fundamental unity of Consciousness and Reality, of the Self with all things.” Rupert Spira