Note: If desired, watch all of Acts 24 from the Visual Bible movie, Acts.
Yesterday, we saw that cruelty resides in us as a wish. Cruelty is the ultimate divorce from oneness, because it powerfully inflates the sense of separation. We were asked to face the cruelty in the mind so that it can be healed.
There are three ways we can face the cruelty in the mind:
- We can look at our cruel thoughts, cruel desires and cruel actions. For example, during my purification stage, I noticed that when I put my daughter on timeout, I sent her to her room without her security blanket. As a young child, she loved her security blanket. The reason I sent her to her room without it was because I wanted to make her suffer.
- We can be defenseless when others are cruel to us. I don’t mean that we should allow someone to physically hurt us. In every situation, we should follow intuition, and so I will not presuppose what you should do if physically attacked. When I say that we can be defenseless when others are cruel to us, I am referring to mental or emotional cruelty. For example, when NTI was first published, there was a group of people who wrote cruel things about me on the internet. My guidance was to read what they wrote and rest-accept-trust with any feelings I had without responding or defending myself in any way.
- We can look at the cruelty in the world. For example, I experienced a huge healing around cruelty by watching a news story. I was shocked by the display of cruelty in that story. I couldn’t believe that one human could be that cruel to another human. My heart broke, and I cried for two hours. Interestingly, the spiritual ego told me that I shouldn’t feel the way I felt. I recognized that as ego and let the feelings rise. After two hours, a decision was made in me. The decision was, “I will only love now.” I haven’t seen a shred of cruelty in me since then. I also find that my love is not blocked by the cruelty demonstrated by others.
Today’s reading says:
When you face that which you fear, there is one thing you must remember.
What you look on is not at all real,
and you face it to deny it.
In that excerpt, “deny” means to declare untrue.
What do we declare untrue?
Declare whatever you are feeling in the moment untrue.
When we face cruelty, we can feel any number of feelings including guilt, unworthiness, defensiveness, anger, hatred, victimization, victimizer, rejection, abandonment, betrayal, self-righteousness, fear, sadness and etcetera. Those feelings are what you declare untrue. Rest-accept-trust with them; realize they are misperceptions; remember that the experience is untrue, and so it will pass; declare the truth by noticing constant, changeless awareness.
That’s purification. That’s how darkness is healed. That’s how you perform your function as a healing/awakening point in consciousness.
Note: I recommend printing this tip for future reference.
Thoughts of Awakening # 133
Wait in peace
for new sight to be given.
Whenever you are upset
by what you seem to see and witness,
wait in peace
for new sight to be given.
Waiting in peace
is a statement of trust
and a statement of desire.
It is a decision
to see only as God sees.
~From our Holy Spirit
Homework for this week
- Practice daily meditation for 30-60 minutes each day.
- Practice the “Loving All” Method.
- Thoughts of Awakening, 127-133
- Read NTI Acts Chapters 19-24
- The reading shared on Tuesday night was from The Transparency of Things by Rupert Spira, p. 152-157, Nature’s Eternity (part 1)
- Exercise: This week focus on your existence. Stop and notice it.