Note: If desired, watch all of Acts 20 from the Visual Bible movie, Acts.
Today, we will begin reading about the second phase of the spiritual path, which is purification. NTI calls it “letting go.” During phase two, we let go of the ego as our authority. We do that by embracing spiritual intuition as our authority.
It’s important to remember that the human always follows an authority. The human is authored, and it has an author-ity. The human believes it is an independent being, but that isn’t true. The sense that ideas are “my thoughts” is ego. Ego is the sense of an independent and separate self.
When we look at thoughts to determine their authority, we are already following the authority of spiritual intuition. Spiritual intuition guides us to discern authority and make a conscious choice. Ego simply believes “I am me” and “I am my own authority.”
Discernment is a key aspect of phase two. You cannot let go of ego without recognizing ego as ego first.
The greatest challenge in phase two is that our beliefs and the beliefs of most other humans come from living under ego’s authority. Because most humans are under ego’s authority, the world appears to live by ego’s laws. However, the world does not live by ego’s laws. The world is a reflection of how we use attention.
This is very, very important to remember in phase two, so I will repeat it again:
The world appears to operate according to specific rules, because people believe those rules. The world does not exist, meaning it has no power or authority of its own. It is a reflection of what we believe and give attention to.
For this reason, we are perfectly safe when we receive intuitive guidance that goes against the rules of the world. By trusting intuition, and by letting go of any obstacles that stand in the way of that trust, we learn that our experience in the world can be written by another author-ity. That’s how we learn that the world is not real. That’s how we awaken to consciousness as what we are and what everything is.
In order to intuit guidance, it is important that you are not attached to any desire or specific outcome. For example, one who hates to work may imagine guidance to quit her job. However, if she pauses to do root cause inquiry before quitting, she will discover the underlying motivation and realize that ego is the author of that idea and will be the author of the script that follows, if she takes that step.
That shows why pausing and asking ‘why’ is very important in phase two. It also shows why it’s important to let go of all of your individual desires. If you let go of everything except your spiritual aspiration, you can trust that your guidance is pure. If you have mixed desires, your guidance will have mixed authorities. However, a commitment to root cause inquiry to discover underlying motivations will help you to sort that out.
Thoughts of Awakening # 129
Who are you?
You are all things.
How are you all things?
You are the formless energy
that flows in and out of all things
and becomes all things.
How do you effect all things?
Simply through the energy
you choose to be.
It is beingness that matters,
because it is beingness that causes effects,
both true and untrue.
~From our Holy Spirit
Homework for this week
- Practice daily meditation for 30-60 minutes each day.
- Practice the “Loving All” Method.
- Thoughts of Awakening, 127-133
- Read NTI Acts Chapters 19-24
- The reading shared on Tuesday night was from The Transparency of Things by Rupert Spira, p. 152-157, Nature’s Eternity (part 1)
- Exercise: This week focus on your existence. Stop and notice it.