Note: If desired, watch all of Acts 17 from the Visual Bible movie, Acts.
Like A Course in Miracles, NTI is a step in the awakening process. It is not the final destination. The primary goals of NTI are:
- Purification, which is freeing one’s self from believing the mind.
- Service, which is living by following guidance.
- Merging, which is awakening to consciousness.
Let’s review the Four Principles of God:
First Principle of God– Pure, unmanifest, life-awareness; abstract, unlimited potentiality.
Second Principle of God– Consciousness; the unaffected, still witness. All things manifest are made of this principle; therefore, all things are consciousness.
Third Principle of God– The ongoing activity of creation, which occurs naturally through the interaction of the witnessing principle with that which is witnessed. It is how consciousness forms itself into the many temporary forms that make up the manifest universe.
Fourth Principle of God– Manifestation. Everything in this realm is temporary, and so it is often referred to as a dream. It is consciousness appearing as something other than consciousness, and so it is called illusion.
If you compare the goals of NTI with the Four Principles of God, you see that the goal of NTI is to awaken to the Second Principle of God.
I bring this to your attention, because today’s reading says:
You are the one Son of God. You have always been the one Son, and you shall always be God’s only Son, for that is what you were created to be.
In creating you, God gave everything to you. He extended Himself, which is all that He had, and He named this extension you. The you that He made was the same as I Am, so there was no difference between them.
In this context, “God” is the Second Principle of God and “you” refers to everyone and everything manifest as the Fourth Principle of God. That’s why the reading refers to “you” as “the one Son of God.” The many things in manifestation are not many things, as they appear to be. The many things are one thing, consciousness appearing as something other than consciousness.
The reading says:
There is no difference between you and I Am, … You are the Son. I Am is the Father. You are the extension of I Am. In the extension, you are I Am also.
When reading this, it is important to remember that “you” refers to everyone and everything manifest as the Fourth Principle of God. If your name is Sally, “you” does not refer to Sally alone, because there is no Sally alone. “You” refers to everyone and everything manifest.
It may be helpful to think of children’s molding clay again. The children’s molding clay represents consciousness. Now, imagine that an elaborate city is created from the clay. It includes many types of people, the birds, animals and plants that are found in a city, the buildings and automobiles that are found in a city, and so on. “You” is not one specific image of a person in the clay city. “You” is everything in the city. It is as if the clay is speaking to the clay city and saying, “You are created from me, and you are the same as I am.”
The reading also says:
And yet, there is a difference that cannot be called a difference at all. You are not the same as I Am, because you did not create you. I Am did. And that which He created is exactly as it is, and that is you exactly as you are.”
That means you are not what you think you are; you are consciousness. That’s true regardless of how the mind defines you. It doesn’t matter if the mind sees you as smart, stupid, talented, dull, athletic, clumsy, beautiful, ugly, admired, unloved, and etcetera. None of that is true about you. You are consciousness. You are not Sally or Harry (or whatever your name is.) You are the whole.
Since we are one whole—one creation of consciousness—we cannot be separated or divided. It’s impossible for some of us to be on one side wanting one thing while others are on another side wanting something different. We can’t have different or independent goals. We are consciousness, and its purpose is our purpose.
To illustrate, think of the cake batter analogy again. Is the blue cake batter on one side of a color issue—the “We want to be blue” side—while the white batter is on the other side of the color issue?
No. It is all one batter. The blue food coloring is simply spreading naturally through the batter as the batter is stirred.
In the same way, “we” are one consciousness, and consciousness is awakening to itself as consciousness. That is all that is occurring throughout the Fourth Principle of God, regardless of what appears to be occurring.
How is this helpful?
If you realize that everyone and everything in manifestation is consciousness, and its goal is awakening to consciousness, then you can see that everything has one purpose, and you can use it for that purpose. For example:
Imagine you are with a group of friends who are making plans for the day. You aren’t quite sure what has been decided, so you ask, “What are we doing?” Someone close to you gets frustrated, turns to you and says:
“You are an idiot. I am sick and tired of trying to explain everything to you all of the time. Get your head out of your ass!”
When this happens, you feel deep feelings of embarrassment, shame and unworthiness.
Why has this happened?
The person who said that to you is consciousness, and you are consciousness, but you subconsciously believe you are an idiot, shameful and unworthy. Consciousness played its role in awakening by being the accuser in order to bring up beliefs that need to be healed. Now your role as consciousness is to practice rest-accept-trust and heal those beliefs.
It’s consciousness interacting with consciousness so that consciousness, as one whole, can heal and awaken to itself as consciousness.
That is all that is occurring in the Fourth Principle now. Nothing else is happening, because consciousness, as one, only has one purpose.
Thoughts of Awakening # 125
Fear says that you need something,
but this is not true.
All that you need is given,
so that there is nothing you could need.
Awareness is the key to realization,
and awareness is yours for the asking.
Be willing to see the All,
and remain in peace
with your eyes open.
The All shall be revealed to you,
and that shall be all that you see.
That shall be all that you know.
~From our Holy Spirit
Homework for this week
- Practice daily meditation for 30-60 minutes each day.
- Practice the “Loving All” Method.
- Thoughts of Awakening, 120-126
- Read NTI Acts Chapters 12-18
- The reading shared on Tuesday night was from The Transparency of Things by Rupert Spira, p. 143-151 or for Kindle users the Chapter titled Unveiling Reality & We Are What We seek
- Exercise: This week we give our attention to our meditations. Notice when you become distracted by something, thoughts, images, sounds. Ask yourself whether you are trying to make it stop or you are trying to hang onto it. See what the answer is and then let it go.