Note: Before reading today’s tip, read Acts 9:1-31 from the Bible or watch all of Acts 9 from the Visual Bible movie, Acts.
Most people have heard of the Apostle Paul, but many do not know that Paul, previously called Saul, was a leader in the persecution against the Christian sect. When people read the story of Saul’s conversion in the Bible, they may not understand why someone like Saul would be called to become a leading teacher and apostle. If we have trouble understanding, it’s because we are focused on humans instead of consciousness, and we judge some humans as worthy and some humans as not worthy.
As we saw yesterday, consciousness sees only consciousness. Consciousness is not concerned about human stories and what one human has done or has not done. Consciousness is awakening, and the light is spreading within consciousness. That is all that is happening from consciousness’ perspective.
From the human perspective, the way the light moves may not always make sense. For example, we may not understand why some people have spontaneous awakenings and others don’t.
From consciousness’ perspective, the spreading of light is natural within awakening consciousness. It’s just like blue food coloring spreading through white cake batter as it is stirred into the batter.
Some people may ask, “If awakening is random, like blue food coloring mixing with white cake batter, why should I engage in spiritual practice?”
Here’s the answer:
It’s our spiritual practice that stirs up the light. As we engage in sincere spiritual practice, the light extends through consciousness awakening consciousness. We are the batter (consciousness), the food coloring (awakening light) and the spoon (the energy that spreads the light). The spiritual practice that we do benefits all of consciousness. All awakenings come from the spiritual practice of those who are called into spiritual practice.
NTI guides us to trust that the light is spreading within consciousness. Our role is to remain focused on awakening, and let everything else take care of everything else. When we adopt this attitude toward the world and other humans, we are living in trust that everything is consciousness, and consciousness is in the process of awakening to itself.
Thoughts of Awakening # 116
Remember that you are not the thinking mind.
That is the same as saying,
you are not the story teller.
You made the story teller
and you give it freedom to tell its stories,
but you are the one who made it.
You are not it itself.
When you observe the story teller,
observe it knowing you are not it.
You are looking at what you made,
but you are not looking at you.
~From our Holy Spirit
Homework for this week
- Practice daily meditation for 30-60 minutes each day.
- Practice the “Loving All” Method.
- Thoughts of Awakening, 113-119
- Read NTI Acts Chapters 6-11
- The reading shared on Tuesday night was from The Transparency of Things by Rupert Spira, p. 137-142 or for Kindle users the Chapter titled Time Never Happens.
- Exercise: Close your eyes, quiet down and spend some time watching for the birth of your next thought. Look for the gap before the thought arises.