I am making this post to honor Phil Frisk, who passed away recently. Many of you may not have known Phil, but you were most likely influenced by things he did. In 2005, Phil created a website and named it reginadawnakers.com. He began posting teachings that I shared publicly on that website. Although that website no longer exists, all of the teachings in the RDA Early Teachings playlist came from that website.
Phil was one of the founders of The Foundation for the Holy Spirit and Awakening Together. In fact, Phil served as Awakening Together’s Chairman of the Board for the first six years. He created the cover art for The Holy Spirit’s Interpretation of the New Testament (NTI) and for The Teachings of Inner Ramana. He and his wife, Judy, donated the van that is used to pick people up from the airport when visiting the AT Retreat House in La Veta. Phil bought the computer that Awakening Together Radio runs on, and Awakening Together moved to Zoom several years ago at Phil’s urging.
Up until his death, Phil was one of the major financial supporters of Awakening Together. In fact, one of the last things he did before his passing was send us another generous donation.
Depending on who you are, it’s possible you would not know me if it wasn’t for Phil and his support. He was a dear friend who preferred to remain in the background, but what he did had a big impact.
Phil is left of me in the following photo. Dov Fishman and Brent Haskell are on the right. This picture was taken at a celebration of the founding of Awakening Together in Canon City, CO in 2013.