We have added a new Discussion Forum for those of you participating in the 500 Days Contemplating NTI spiritual curriculum that began on January 8, 2023. While the course is intended as a self-study course, we also meet in the Sanctuary to discuss many of the highlights and Self-discoveries along the way. Our discussion group meets on the 2nd and 4th Tuesdays of each month from 7:30-8:30 pm ET. In between meetings, however, many of you may also find it enlivening to discuss with other students what it is you are learning and its ongoing application in your life.
If you are interested in sharing and discussing your contemplations from 500 Days Contemplating NTI with other students, you may find the 500 Days discussion forum at this link: 500 Days Contemplating NTI Discussion Forum
Please be aware that only registered forum members have access to this section of our discussion forum. If you have not already registered as an Awakening Together Forum participant, you may do so at this link: AT Forum Registration.
Setting Up Your Topic in The Forum
- Go to awakening-together.org and click on Forum.
- Login to the Forum, or if you are new to the Forum, register for the Forum. If this is your first time using the Forum, you will need to wait until your registration is approved, and then you will be able to login and complete these instructions.
- Scroll down to find and click on the link for this course, which is: 500 Days Contemplating NTI
- Click on Add Topic.
- Enter a Topic Title. The Topic Title should include your name and the course name. For example: Rhoda’s Contemplations of 500 Days with NTI
- Write a brief note introducing yourself. For example, you might choose to share why you are taking this class. Next, click “Subscribe to this topic” and click Add Topic:
If you have any questions please feel free to reach out to us here.