Today’s reading encourages us to disregard the ego voice in the mind and complete the purification process. The reading is thorough and clear. We all do well to read carefully, and then follow the advice given in today’s reading.
First, it advises us about how to be with the ego voice in order to let go of it. We are advised:
- To see it as confusion.
- Not to hate it or fight it.
- Not to be afraid of noticing it or hearing it.
- To look right at it, and then disregard it.
Awareness is being (is’ing), so it be’s with whatever is present. Awareness lets go of ego by being with it without believing it.
Next, the reading advises us to go through the darkest and toughest experiences of purification. You can only complete the purification process by going all the way through it. To stop and revert to your conditioning, because purification has become difficult and you are more comfortable with your conditioning, is not to purify.
Let’s review St. Clare’s quote from Day 269 again:
Never forget that the way which leads to heaven is narrow; that the gate leading to life is narrow and low; that there are but few who find it and enter by it; and if there be some who go in and tread the narrow path for some time, there are but very few who persevere therein.
You can be one of the very few who persevere. You just have to want truth realization more than anything else, including more than feeling better sooner.
Here’s a quote from St. Benedict that is also worth considering today:
Don’t be addicted to your own self-image or to anything else that promises cheap fulfillment or an easy escape from problems.
Note: The next tip will be available tomorrow morning after 3:50am ET at this link.