For some people, NTI Hebrews may seem harsh, because it asks them to let go of people, things and circumstances that they love and enjoy. Others may feel guilty, because they aren’t ready to let go of those things. If you judge NTI Hebrews as harsh or if you judge yourself as guilty, you are looking at a form of the “I am bad” thought. Whenever this thought is seen, whether it is projected onto someone or something else or felt as a “fact” about you, it is rising into consciousness so that you can let go of it.
If you experience judgment or guilt as you read and contemplate NTI Hebrews, consider reviewing NTI 2 Thessalonians.
Today’s reading says:
The one sacrifice that ends sin and guilt forever is not a sacrifice at all. It is but the remembrance and acceptance of all that has always been true. It is the release of what isn’t and the re-acceptance of what is. It is a return to the realization of the truth of what you are.
Many of us go through a phase when we feel like we are asked to sacrifice something (or many things) for truth realization. That’s because the mind believes it gets happiness or love from the objects it is attached to in the world. However, as has already been pointed out, those things are passing—shifting and changing—anyway. Nothing in manifestation stays the same or lasts. To believe that manifestation is the source of our happiness is the cause of suffering.
True happiness comes from Self-realization, because our true nature is happiness. In this realization there is no loss at all.
Because once you realize the Self, happiness is natural, and manifestation continues as it did before. Manifestation doesn’t die away when you realize the Self. As long as the body lasts, it continues in manifestation and it experiences manifestation. Yet, you see with clarity. You know what everything really is, and you are able to appreciate its temporary appearance too. There is no sacrifice in that.
Today’s reading says:
God is Love. … Rest yourself within your Heart. Here your true desire is known, because here the truth of God is known. Then rise up and practice in joy.
If you feel that NTI Hebrews is asking you to sacrifice something you love or enjoy, take time to go within. Get in touch with your Heart. Let it reassure you about the truth, and then, only when you feel genuinely revitalized toward your spiritual aspiration, continue the practice of letting go of dreams.
Allow letting go to come from the heart, not from a sense of obligation. Remember, motive matters. (Ref: Day 177)
Note: The next tip will be available tomorrow morning after 3:50am ET at this link.