Welcome to the Awakening Together Forum!!
This forum is part of Awakening Together’s mission to support you on your spiritual path to the One True Self. If this is your first time here, visit our Start Here page on our website.
Also know that what you see below is only a portion of this forum. Once registered, other areas of the forum are available to you. If you are a member of Awakening Together, a member of any of our classes or Minister Preparation Program or an Awakening Together Minister, those specific forums also become available to you as well. Each forum is visible only to those who are a part of those particular programs or memberships. This is a safe place to explore and grow among “mighty companions.“
Please watch this quick tutorial video first on how to register for the Forum: Click Here to Watch
If you have any questions, need help registering or need support with the forum please connect with us here.
** You must register for the forum in order to access ride-share information
This is the list of scheduled In Person Retreats at our Retreat House in 2025 so far:
- Eternity’s Embrace: May 7-10 with John Mark Stroud
- SOLD OUT – Freedom’s Call: June 9-13 with John Mark Stroud
- SOLD OUT: Presence Unfolding: A Freestyle Journey with Spirit: July 7-11 with John Mark Stroud
- The Four Principles of God: Aug 11-15 with Regina Dawn Akers
- Save the Date: September 3-7 with Jeannie Zandi
- Pray Without Ceasing: October 3-7 with Anne Blanchard
- Practicing the Presence Dyad Retreat: Oct 8-11 with Anne Blanchard
Please check our website for the latest updates: https://awakening-together.org/events/