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I do not have anymore questions inside of me, but I recognize the answers I wrote below and the questions the writings were tacitly inspired from. There was an issue I grappled with for the last 7 years, and I found the answer some weeks ago. The issue: Who am I? The answer: I am Peace. The issue is solved through the following 6 inquiries:
(6) What is my relationship to my body; Am I the body?
(2) "What mistakes am I making, and how was I created?" I see my mistakes every day. Mistakes are when I place my attention without remembering the lens through which I exist, my awareness, is Peace. Mistakes are important because they created me. When I identify as a thought or belief, I create a personality and a personal history, which I combine to form an identity. Every day, I spend as much time as I can spend in meditation, and I see Peace. However, each day there is time when I am not in meditation, and I make mistakes. I see these mistakes each and every day.
Thank you for sharing this insight, Rev. David. 🙏🏻☮️
Thank you for this wisdom and for your Peace.
"Peace, awareness, is prior to any phenomenon which can arise, and so Peace is untouchable." ..."Peace is eternal, meaning it always has been and always will be, and infinite, meaning Peace is in every place at every time. My existence is impersonal, not connected to thoughts or beliefs, but to Peace. I am alive now, in the past, in the future, and in all space at all time. I am Peace."
As I learn to discern peace from this world, I find the peace that is beyond anything this world can show me. The TAO TE CHING reminds me again in Chapter 29 - (Last Paragraph)
"The Master sees things as they are, without trying to control them.
She lets them go their own way, and resides at the center of the circle."
This is the Center of Peace that brings us to the freedom of being in the world but not of it. It is a place of contentment that the world does not know or understand.
Thank you David, and thanks Jacquelyn for posting.
Wow! I was guided to read your article today and it struck a very deep chord. I will use the article during my contemplation. Thank you so much for sharing.
Enjoyed all your insights. Especially the recognition of one's body as an instrument of Peace.
I am thrilled this was helpful for each of you. Thank you for leaving such kind comments.
- David