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Thank you for joining me on this exploration of the ACIM Manual for Teachers. My heart is full and I feel so blessed to have been inspired to take on this exploration and for the willingness for absorbing it’s Truth even deeper with you!
Sharing this exploration together in this forum may be a place where we can share with each other the Aha moments, where light breaks through, allowing it to permeate all our hearts! Its also a place where we can ask each other questions.
There is such a deep loving for my companions, YOU, on this journey knowing that it’s through all together that the Truth becomes revealed.
I will be visiting here often as we go on this journey together. There are times where I had already made a prior commitment to be elsewhere including November 16-25th. I will take my computer and see if joining is possible during those days I am away.
With Gratitude and Love, Karen
Hi Karen, I might need help with the forum. I will contact Shawna today. I am
excited to go on this journey, even if I do not know my schedule from one dsy
to the other. See you in Sangha today, love Inka
I often think that encounters we have in life are divinely planned by the One who knows what lessons we need to teach and learn. Each teaching/learning situation involves a different relationship, but all have the goal of becoming a holy relationship. There are no accidents; those who are to meet will meet. They are ready for each other! A "chance" meeting is not a chance encounter. It is like a cameo appearance in the script of your life, that may shape your life. Each teaching - learning situation is maximal. Even if these relationships seem to separate, all who meet will some day meet again because it is the destiny of the relationship to become holy! Fascinating.
Joy is my guiding star today.”joy is the inevitable result of gentleness”.help me see gentleness in everything and everybody.can I sit in joy, the Truth of what I am ?
Sitting in the Joy with you today!