“Buddha and God appear in many forms. The buddha is not only in the cloud. He is in our hearts and in the hearts of many others.”
The Heart of Buddha’s Teachings by Thich Nhat Hanh.
Something in this quote just sank from the head to the heart. I look into the kitchen, and I see Kahmel in a hooded sweatshirt with the hood up over his head as he prepares breakfast for himself after a long boxing workout. SUDDENLY I SEE HIM. He IS God appearing in form for this exact experience. This home IS God. Everything in it IS God. These hands and this computer ARE God. All that is in Awareness and the Awareness itself IS God.
The question that rises is, “What am I trying to Trust?” The confusion that is happening is a belief that there’s a deity that has a plan for all of this. The clarity is that there’s an underlying intelligence in all of Life as it IS manifest and unmanifest. It is not something outside that is watching over it all. It IS the nature of Life. God IS the nature of Life as it moves from the unmanifest to the manifest and back to the unmanifest.
Buddhists describe it as the suchness of life. This is why my only job is to experience life through THIS expression of God. This is why the awakening of all beings is so helpful. As collective consciousness moves to know the power of the collective consciousness and brings love instead of fear everything changes. I am not alone because that is not possible. I am not separate because that is not possible. I AM the unmanifest that has manifested as this body. An interconnected sentient being. When this form ends it returns to the unmanifest.
When fear rules my life (meaning I have full attention on fear) then fear is what I experience. When love and abundance and harmony and peace rule my life (again, meaning I have full attention on love, abundance, harmony, and peace) then love, abundance, harmony, and peace are what I experience. It’s not my fault and yet I am fully capable of seeing the habit energy. There is no entity that will end this suffering loop, but there is my deep and earnest to desire to wake up from the dream of fear. To be fully awake to and embrace the Truth of Love, abundance, harmony, bliss, and peace.
As this clarity flows through, I can feel the mind trying to figure out how to hold onto it. How to make it real. There’s fear here that this clarity will be lost. This is the exact fear that I wish to see. This is the habit energy of “I am not enough” and “I am not safe.” I can feel the practicality of the Loving All Method. I am truly grateful to see this energy rise. This is where I keep turning…to the Loving All Method.
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