The Teachings of Inner Ramana came to our founder, Rev. Regina Dawn Akers, in 2009 when she said a prayer asking for something to take her to the next step. It teaches three tools, surrender, mantra and self-inquiry, which work together to help break the addiction to the chattering mind.
The purpose of this course is to introduce the participant to simple spiritual practice techniques that can be practiced within one’s everyday life.
1. Become familiar with surrender as a means of tuning into spiritual intuition for guidance in everyday circumstances.
2. Practice the mantra as a way of gently removing attention from mental chatter.
3. Practice self-inquiry in order to notice that the “I” in thought is only thought.
4. Practice Self-inquiry in order to seek for the true Self.
Course Duration: 3 weeks
Course Section Time & Starting Date: Tuesdays, 10 am – 12 pm ET, beginning Sept. 19, 2023 (Facilitator: Rev. Carl Lammers); Wednesdays, 6-8 p.m. ET, beginning Sept. 20, 2023 (Facilitator: Rev. Manuela Giaroli). WEDNESDAY SECTION IS FULL.
Homework Begins: Tuesday Class: Sept. 12, 2023; Wednesday Class: Sept. 13, 2023.FULL
Last Day of Course: Tuesday Class: Oct. 3, 2023; Wednesday Class: Oct. 4, 2023. FULL
Facilitators: Revs. Carl Lammers & Manuela Giaroli.
Individual Homework Time Commitment: 45 minutes per day seven days per week.
Structure of Course: Three weekly 2-hour sessions.
Textbook needed: The Teachings of Inner Ramana by Regina Dawn Akers available from Amazon.
Format: Classes will be held live on a Zoom Link weekly.
Cost: $90
Registration closed
For more information on this class, click here.