1. How do I register for MPP classes? – The first class that must be taken for all MPP participants is Introduction to MPP. That class is offered once or twice per year based on the number of people who express interest in MPP. Whenever it is offered it is announced via Daily Updates. One way to stay informed is to subscribe to Daily Updates. You can also express interest in MPP by joining the wait list, and we will contact you directly the next time Introduction to MPP is offered.
2. Do I have to take the Introduction class before taking the other classes? – Members who are interested in taking MPP classes without becoming an Awakening Together Minister may take any MPP class at any time. However, it will not count as credit toward ordination until the Introduction course is taken and your application for MPP has been approved. FYI: MPP class sizes are often limited and participants in the MPP program have registration priority.
3. Where are MPP classes announced? – MPP classes with available space are listed on the website under Classes on the menu bar. They are also typically announced through Daily Updates.
4. If I want to be a minister, do I have to take the classes in a certain order? – You must take Introduction to MPP, apply and be accepted to the program, take True Discernment and pass the Phase I exam in that order. After that, you can take the Phase II courses in any order.
5. Does MPP cost money? – The Introduction course is free. There is a $25 application fee when you apply to the program. Each course after the Introduction course does have a fee that is equal to $30 per class week. There is also a test fee associated with both the Phase I and Phase II exams. Fees are paid as you go.
6. Are scholarships available? – When needed, a participant may be approved for a scholarship. A scholarship is equal to 50% of the class fee and is approved on a class-by-class basis.
7. How long does it take to complete MPP? – You may take MPP at your own pace but you must complete the program within 5 years of your application date. Typically, the program will take 2 years to complete.
8. What is an Awakening Together ordained minister? – The best way to get this answer is to take the Introduction to MPP class when it is offered. You may also read the Awakening Together Minister Ordination and Licensing Policy.
9. When are classes offered? – It varies. Watch Daily Updates for announcements or check the Classes menu on the website regularly. You may also keep your eye on Awakening Together News.