Topic: “God, You & I Dance”
Description: Rev. Regina Dawn Akers shared about following guidance that comes from beyond individual self-will.
A universal assembly for true discernment
Topic: “God, You & I Dance”
Description: Rev. Regina Dawn Akers shared about following guidance that comes from beyond individual self-will.
Topic: “The Secret to Giving”
Rev. Regina Dawn Akers looked at different traditions of “giving” as a means to awakening.
Topic: “Man in the Mirror”
Rev. Joanne Schneider discussed how we need to look in the mirror of the world and see what we believe about our self.
Topic: “Centered in Oneness”
Rev. Gloria Wells discussed Rupert Spira’s teachings on Sameness and Oneness. She explained that when we hold to the thought that everything is an expression of Oneness our actions will be in harmony with Consciousness.
Topic: Letting Go of the ‘I’ by Letting Go of the World
Description: Rev. Jacquelyn Eckert reflected on how believing circumstances in the world is also believing one’s self to be the false self. Therefore, letting go of believing circumstances in the world is letting go of one’s false self image.
Reading: Lyn Johnson read an excerpt from NTI 1 Peter
Topic: “From self to Self”
Rev. Regina Dawn Akers looked at the general process of awakening as we move from identification with the false self to truth realization.
Topic: “The Quiet Answer” ; . . . so what is the question?
Rev. Carl Lammers discussed how important it is to listen for the quiet answer after asking only honest questions.
Reader: Chris Souchack
Reading: The Teachings of Inner Ramana” The Purpose of Surrender, Part Two
Topic: “Emunha – Trust in the Creator”
Rev. Gloria Wells discussed how important absolute trust is for our growth.
Topic: “Gifts in strange wrapping”
Rev. Gloria Wells discussed how our problems are gifts in disguise for our growth.
Topic: “The Prison of Ideals”
Rev. Hal Seeley discussed how our ideas of Awakening can lead to impatience and frustration.