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Topic: “Casting light on old skeletons”
Rev. Gloria discussed the effects that judgment has on the awakening process and helpful ways to recognize and let go of judgments.
A universal assembly for true discernment
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Topic: “Casting light on old skeletons”
Rev. Gloria discussed the effects that judgment has on the awakening process and helpful ways to recognize and let go of judgments.
Topic: “Letting go of Dreams”
Description: Rev. Regina Dawn Akers talked about letting go of attachments and worldly desires without feeling like you are sacrificing anything.
Reading: Kathy Smith read excerpts from NTI Hebrews.
Topic: “Intimately Experiencing Experience”
Description: Rev. Jacquelyn looked at how choosing to be with our feelings without our stories allows us to Be the Self.
Topic: “Service and Surrender of self-Will”
Description: Rev. Jay McCormick talked about how confusion comes when there is not yet a clear and complete surrender of the false will. Joy comes from the choice to serve, because the choice to serve is the choice to relinquish conflict. Since there is only one Will in reality, and Will is of love, to be aligned with Reality and God, we must surrender our imaginary will fully. We either choose conflict or love.
Reading: Sonja Spahn read from NTI John, Chapter 13
Topic: “Know Thy Self”
Rev. Joanne Schneider talks about watching our mind and our body shows us our belief in the world. Belief in the world is our hindrance to awakening. By looking at our beliefs with our Heart, we can practice discernment and choose again. Thus we will return to our Heart’s Desire, to know thy Self.
Topic: “Surrender, Obedience and Listening”
Rev. Jacquelyn talks about the struggles of releasing the mind’s authority over thought and giving allegiance (or becoming obedient) to the inner voice – Holy Spirit.
Topic: “Be Thee Imitators of God”
Description: Rev. Regina discussed “imitation” as a step towards realizing our genuine true Self, because when we “imitate” God, we are being our Self. It isn’t imitation at all!
Reading: Rev. Joanne Schneider read an excerpt from The Short Path to Enlightenment by Paul Brunton.
Topic: “Healing the Second Universal Fear”
Description: Rev. Jay McCormick talked about how on some level we believe that we do not measure up to the cultural, societal and ‘presented’ image of what we should be. What is necessary is identifying those beliefs and realizing that those beliefs are just thought. The motivation however, to change those thoughts must be for the sake of truth and the revelation of Awareness-Love-Bliss and not for a ‘better life’ or physically improved conditions, because very seeming place we are itself is within the mind BELIEVED to be real.
Reading: Rev. Sonja Spahn read from Chapter 5, a section called “The Second Universal Fear: Self Worth” from Walking Between the Worlds: The Science of Compassion” by Gregg Braden
Topic: “Six Seconds”
Rev. Gloria talked about perception and it’s role in the awakening process
Topic: “If the World is Not Real, Do Actions Matter?”
Description: Rev. Regina discussed how clear discernment leads us consistently towards truth realization. Does discernment apply only to how we think, or does it apply to what we do too? Do we need to change what we do in order to awaken to truth? Regina will answer these questions in this talk.
Reading: Shawna Summers read NTI 2 Corinthians 9, which is on pages 319-320 of The Holy Spirit’s Interpretation of the New Testament (NTI).