Title: “Rising beyond Concepts of the Fear of Life and Death”
Description: Christians celebrate Easter as the honoring of the resurrection of Jesus Christ, victory over death, the fulfillment of the prophecy of the messiah, and the promise of eternal life. When we see the world and believe it to be our home, naturally arising is the fear of Death. NTI teaches us further that Death isn’t actually real, and that when we identify fully as Spirit, we do not see death. Death is described as an illusion in form, and that by releasing our identification with the world and our thinking, we identify as Spirit and therefore enter into Truth. In this path there arises resistance, which is the deeper fear of the real Self, of Truth. Our true and permanent salvation, freedom, and awakening lie in walking through this with faith, dedication, love, willingness.
Reader: Rayla Daniels read from NTI Matthew Chapter 28.
4-14-19 Weekly Gathering: “Consciousness, The Domain of the Ego”
Title: Consciousness, The Domain of the Ego
Description: Many Awakening Together members once considered themselves students of A Course in Miracles. Since then, they have studied the teachings of sages, some ancient and some modern. Is the Course’s teaching about truth the same as the teaching of sages, or is it different? Rev. Regina Dawn Akers guided us into A Course in Miracles for another look at what it says.
Reading: Rev. Share Murphy read selected paragraphs from Chapter 3 of A Course in Miracles.
4-7-19 Weekly Gathering: “How the World Will End, Holding on to ‘I Am’.”
Title: “How the World Will End, Holding on to ‘I Am’.”
Description: Rev. Billy Sintiris shared about the journey of moving beyond the mind definitively and the experiences of preparing to leave the world while still uncovering “that” in “I am”. He married A Course of Miracles with Nisargatta Maraharaj while surrounding himself with two love songs from the 70’s, that expose how we desire the love beyond words with ideas of love still entrenched in the mind.
Reading: Rev. Meg Reinhart read “How the World Will End” from the manual for teachers in ACIM.
3-31-19 Weekly Gathering: “Return to Innocence.”
Title: “Return to Innocence.”
Description: Rev. Gloria Wells shared how embracing with love the emotional signature of the child within is an important seemingly missing puzzle piece in our awakening. By not blaming the messenger (circumstances or people) we tune into our actual felt feelings in the moment and by embracing and being with these feelings, these patterns that create the very situations we are trying to avoid, what then happens is that the dense painful feelings are actually healed.
Reader: Rubbye Nassar read from Mark Nepo’s Book of Awakening.
3-24-19 Weekly Gathering: “Awakening From the Belief in The False Self.”
Title: “Awakening From the Belief in The False Self.”
Description: Rev. Jacquelyn Eckert discussed the stages of Awakening from the false self to the True Self, and offered insights from her own journey.
Reader: Rev. Toni Fields read an article entitled “Awakening from Our False Self to Our True Self.” Here’s the link to the article: https://wakeup-world.com/2013/11/19/awakening-from-our-false-self-to-our-true-self/
3-17-19 Weekly Gathering: “True Understanding Comes From Seeing.”
Title: “True Understanding Comes From Seeing.”
Description: Clarity, wisdom and love are ‘qualities’ of Self that through direct experience of the Self we recognize as effortlessly ours. Helen shared on how we can ‘stay there’ in the Self via some helpful techniques that she has recently learned from Adyashanti.
Reader: Rev. Mary Fonseca read exerpts from Inner Ramana.
3-10-19 Weekly Gathering: “Dissolving the Perception of Separation”
Title: “Dissolving the Perception of Separation”
Description: Rev. Jay McCormick shares that when we go within and ask ‘What Am I?’ the first answer may be ‘I am thought’. But then when asking what is being thought, they answer may be ‘I am mind’. But not satisfied with that, going to the source of mind, what is there? God. Its all about turning within and looking with Holy eyes that see love in the face of all things. Going within simply requires willingness. It happens when no one is looking yet the effects are plain for everyone to see.
Reading: Shawna Summers read from NTI 2 Corinthians Chapter 12
3-3-19 Weekly Gathering: “Going All The Way!”
Title: “Going All The Way!”
Description: Rev. Regina Dawn Akers shared about the difference between awakening to consciousness and awakening to the absolute. She also helped us to look very carefully at one spiritual practice that leads to both awakenings.
Reading: Ron Raitz read excerpts from “A Super Direct Practice to Realize the Absolute: For the Advanced Adept”, By Bentinho Massaro.
Here is the link to the entire article by Bentinho Massaro: https://www.bentinhomassaro.com/read/wake-up-from-the-ever-present-i-sense
2-24-19 Weekly Gathering: “Hubris, Humility and Honesty”
Title: “Hubris, Humility and Honesty”
Description: Rev. Jacquelyn Eckert authentically shared on how hubris (or arrogance) can arise as one begins to have a greater understanding of what one thinks is being taught on the spiritual path. She also shared about what’s at the source of hubris and its antidote, which is humility. She discussed also how humility, honesty and authenticity open the door to greater awareness of Truth.
Reading: Shawna Summers read “Grandeur versus Grandiosity” from ACIM.
2-17-19 Weekly Gathering: “Do You Know Who You Are Without Thought?”
Title: “Do You Know Who You Are Without Thought?”
Description: Rev. Regina Dawn Akers shared on how intricately defined we are by the thoughts we believe; how thoughts make up our sense of world, self and others; and how every bit of that definition is adult foolishness.
Reading: Rev. David Hemphill and Rev. Regina Dawn Akers read Tip 323 from Year 2 Gentle Healing:
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