Weekly Gathering with Rev. Gloria Wells
Reading: Kathy Smith read from Rupert Spira’s book Transparency of Things.
A universal assembly for true discernment
Reading: Kathy Smith read from Rupert Spira’s book Transparency of Things.
Description: Rev. Jay McCormick shared about how in our wish as consciousness for nothing to be as it is, we started daydreaming and created a new building block, a tool, called judgement or decision. This brought about experience, which is the product of taking the idea of our wish and applying judgement to it. Then we had a choice, and instead of laughing about it, we believed and stepped deeper into the game. So here we are, fully believing our dream, and exploring the script of “every possible situation and outcome”. Jay invited us to step out of the this game together in recognition of the truth of who we are, our oneness, and learn to laugh again at all illusions with loving compassion.
Reading: Rev. Jennifer Maile Nahulu read NTI Romans Chapter 2.