Weekly Gathering with Rev. Jacquelyn Eckert
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A universal assembly for true discernment
Weekly Gathering with Rev. Jacquelyn Eckert
Here’s a link to the article: Read Here
Weekly Gathering with Rev. Regina Dawn Akers
Weekly Gathering with Rev. Beverly Toporowski
Title: The Bliss of the Self.
Description: Rev. Beverly shared how we can come to know our true nature as complete and abide in the Self even while experiencing crisis.
Reading: Rev. Shawna Summers read from Ramana Maharshi.
Title: “Healing Self-Doubt”
Description: Dawn shared how healing a major belief block can help to heal Self-doubt and how the connection to healing our perception of Universe, in turn heals how we view ourselves. In fact, by looking at a previously held belief deeply enough and through the process of inquiry, the power of release can translate to a felt freedom to be able to trust again, to trust life, to trust the Self.
Reading: Rev. George Maddox read from A Mind at Home with Itself written by Byron Katie (pp. 222-223).
Title: “Self vs. self Concept”
Description: Rev. Shawna shared how discernment through contrast helps us to uncover the Self. She also led us through some specific exercises that are informative of how the contrast reveals what we aren’t so that it becomes clear what we actually are.
Reading: Lin Castaldo read selected sections from The Teaching of Inner Ramana.
Title: “Throw Away the Book.”
Description: It means so much when you think about it, but then it takes you beyond words. Billy talked about Peter and Paul, two giants of the New Testament and how they influenced millions from two different interpretations. He also shared how it is so important to let go of tradition in order to further open up the mind to Awakening.
Reading: Rev. Meg Reinhart read lesson 189, paragraph 7, from A Course in Miracles.
Topic: Living Life as a River.
Description: Life always presents situations that are not predictable, and seem to be directly placed in the path of the flow of our life. We have a choice to continue the continuity of our peace, moving in the new direction presented, or hold on to our past expectations and experience turbulence. We can learn to move like water throughout life, easily around all the rocks in the path of life. It is our choice if we want to see a block or just be in the moment and experience peace.
Reading: Susan Bacon read NTI Acts Chapter 4 (pgs 219-222).
Topic: It’s a fact that you feel, but feelings aren’t a fact.
Reading: Rev. Shawna Summers read from I Am That, Chapter 1, by Nisargadatta Maharaj.
Description: Rev. Jacquelyn Eckert discussed how we create our experience by what we choose to believe about ourselves. And, therefore, uncovering our unconscious beliefs and choosing to see them as false changes our experience.
Reading: Shiryl Kaplan read “Is Attack Possible?” A message from Spirit, received by Regina Dawn Akers.
Title: “Window Shopping Awareness with Lazy Lazarus”
Description: After having various experiences of ‘dying before you die’, Rev. Meghan Reinhart passionately shared some of the themes the ego faces when it witnesses that, in fact, the “I” must die again: entirely.
Reading: Rev. Billy Sinitris read a Q&A with Rev. Meg acting as Nisargadatta Maharaj and a questioner from #53 in I Am That.