Weekly Gathering with Rev. Regina Dawn Akers
A universal assembly for true discernment
Weekly Gathering with Rev. Regina Dawn Akers
Weekly Gathering with Rev. Jacquelyn Eckert
Title: “What’s In Your Wallet?”
Weekly Gathering with Rev. Beverly Toporowski
Title: “The Gift of Understanding through One Choice.”
Weekly Gathering with Rev. Shawna Summers
Title: “Gratitude: How We Receive and Give Thanks.”
Weekly Gathering with George Maddox, LM
Weekly Gathering with Rev. Regina Dawn Akers
Weekly Gathering with Rev. Jay McCormick
Title: “Judgement is an illusion.”
Description: Rev. Jay McCormick shared about what happens when we are judging? He answered the question: “Is there actually an objective truth when we are judging, or is it just thoughts in our own mind ?” He also shared that when we believe our judgments, we are believing that the judgment is the truth, when in reality those judgments hide the truth and present an illusion of what is not true. Another important point that Jay shared was that at NO point do we STOP being the perfect child of God, whole and perfect in every way, never. Seeing this continually is the key. Since what we see is all within the mind of the seeing, and so, it’s not helpful to think that we KNOW things about situations and people. By admitting the truth that we do NOT know, then a glimmer of light can enter your being and for a minute, maybe longer, we can BE the instrument of the One Mind, of God, of Truth in our being.
Weekly Gathering with Rev. Gloria Wells
Description: Rev. Gloria Wells shared about a personal experience where she had a direct experience of the truth that she is not her thoughts. She also shared how awakening may not always look beautiful, joyous, and full of bliss. Sometimes Awakening can look like Suzanne’s experience and that experience may not look so pretty on the surface. At first, with Suzanne’s awakening experience, she thought she was losing her mind. When we can recognize that this may be how awakening can show up, this is an opportunity to have faith and trust that awakening is happening no matter what the surface shows up as.
Weekly Gathering with Rev. Meg Reinhart
Topic: “If Not Awaring, Daydream”
Weekly Gathering with Rev. Billy Sintiris
Title: “Everything is a Miracle.”
Description: Rev. Billy Sintiris discussed how duality’s purpose was to only understand oneness.