Title: “Being Deeply Present to What Is Here”
Reading: Inka Omholt read Sometimes, a poem by David Whyte & transcript of What to Remember When Waking by David Whyte.
A universal assembly for true discernment
Title: “Being Deeply Present to What Is Here”
Reading: Inka Omholt read Sometimes, a poem by David Whyte & transcript of What to Remember When Waking by David Whyte.
Title: “I Am Determined to See”
Description: Rev. Jacquelyn will review the first several ACIM Lessons and corresponding tips from Consistent Gentle Healing as a reminder of the work we are to do on our spiritual journey to seeing with true perception. As NTI Luke reminds us, “The work you are to do is within the mind. It is a work of being aware, not of the world, but of your thoughts about the world.” We will explore, together, the subtlety and pervasiveness of the ego thought system and how what we have been asked to do becomes lost in everyday life.
Reading: Connie Poole read NTI Luke, Ch. 12.
Title: “Our Role in the Awakening Process”
Description: If you’ve been on the spiritual path long, you’ve probably heard some spiritual teachers emphasize the importance of spiritual practice while other teachers say spiritual practice has no effect and may even encourage the sense of ‘me doing something.’ In this talk, Rev. Regina Dawn Akers will point toward a middle way, a way between doing something and doing nothing, which is what Regina sees as our role in the awakening process.
Reading: Laura Joy read excerpts from Regina’s personal journal.
Title: “Practicing the Presence of God”
Description: Time and again, teachers from various spiritual traditions reference the wisdom of Brother Lawrence. In this Gathering, Rev. Cyndi Krupp will guide us back to the source, offering a reading and discussion on the profound simplicity and beauty found in the life and words of this beloved 17th-century monk.
Reading: Jai Segal read an excerpt from Practicing the Presence of God, by Brother Lawrence.
Title: “Lessons in Love”
Description: Indian Master Anthony de Mello described our lives as ‘scripture’, with every event, encounter and experience to be seen as sacred writing that can reveal the Divine to us. Ginny will be reflecting on the lessons in love that she learned from her father, John, who died nearly a year ago, and the ways in which the learning from those lessons is reverberating in her life now.
Reading: Melissa Sternhill read selected poems.
Title: “Releasing the Manacles of ‘self'”
Description: Fetters are manacles or chains of identity that cause suffering. As these
fetters are broken, the sense of “me” falls away. As the me falls away there is an
acceptance of what is. The struggle ceases and a deeper exploration of what “truly is” expands.
Reading: Carine Dorce read snippets taken from Kevin Schanilec’s website, SimplyTheSeen.com
Title: “What Is Your Purpose, What Do You Value?”
Reading: Lyn Johnson read excerpts from A Course in Miracles.
Title: “When the Mind Goes Crazy”
Description: It’s wonderful to talk about oneness, joy, love, and bliss. However, the spiritual path isn’t all oneness, joy, love, and bliss. As we journey towards awakening, we also face a lot of darkness. In this Weekly Gathering, Rev Regina will talk about how dark it can get, how we can recognize darkness as nothing more than the mind trying to regain command and control, and how to pass through the darkness to the light.
Reading: Tina Brown read excerpts from Chapter 4 of The Experience of No-Self by Bernadette Roberts.
Title: “Distorted Beliefs & Repressed Emotions”
Description: At some point on the spiritual path, it becomes clear that to genuinely know the truth of what we are and to truly live from it, we must reckon with every untrue belief at the core of our false sense of self. Often these foundational false beliefs have been accepted so habitually for so long that it was simply never before available to question them. Once these distorted beliefs pop into our awareness, their appearance can feel jarring, unexpected and very very uncomfortable. Join Rev. Anne Blanchard as she shares the current chapter of her healing the “I am bad” belief journey.
Reading: Monica Seidenbusch read Angelo Dilullo’s, Awake, Chapter 1 excerpt.
Title: “Misery & Comfort: Ego’s Security Blanket”
Description: What blocks knowing of the presence of Love? Often, it’s the belief that “I” could possibly be unworthy. This is the place where the identity as the “believer” gets either reinforced or a new choice gets made. Together we will explore a loop of experience. Looking at how there are always decision points where the slit in the script may be accessed. How the choice for comfort in the world keeps us stuck in the identity of the “believer”.
Reading: Jill Grace read NIV Bible Revelation CH 19, verses 6-9 and 11-16 & NTI Revelation CH 19.