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A universal assembly for true discernment
If you would like to help promote the Awakening Together Fall Retreat and if you use Facebook, you can share a post about the Awakening Together Fall Retreat.
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Join us for Movie Watcher’s Group on Sunday, May 28 at 8 pm ET / 5 pm PT. This month’s movie is “Peaceful Warrior.” Dan Millman (Scott Mechlowicz) is a driven gymnast who dreams of winning gold in the Olympics in this transformational spiritual drama based on Dan Millman’s autobiographical novel The Way of the Peaceful Warrior. This movie highlights the relationship between a student and a wise teacher. Dan’s mind is filled with a constant barrage of thoughts and emotions that keep him in a state of agitation. His teacher, Socrates (Nick Nolte) sees that this college student has kept his body in fine shape but has not done much inner work. He wants Dan “to take out the trash,” all the stuff that passes through his head that he doesn’t need.
The movie is available on Amazon, Itunes, Vudu and Youtube Red. Watch the movie with Spirit, then come and share your insights with the group. Guided movie watching allows us to experience our world and practice forgiveness without leaving our living room! It is recommended you join with Spirit in meditation or prayer prior to viewing the movie and then journal after. Watch for common themes, for characters you like or don’t like, for situations that seem to cause discomfort or joy. Contemplate what your reactions to the movie tell you about your beliefs about yourself and the world you live in. Bring what you learn back to the group and learn from others’ movie watching experience as well. Enjoy the movie and don’t forget to watch your mind!
This summer we will elect two new members to the Member Board of Trustees.
What is the Member Board of Trustees?
The Member Board of Trustees is the leadership team that works with the President-Minister and Vice President-Minister to manage Awakening Together. They are responsible for all aspects of leadership including drafting policies and procedures, leading subcommittees, addressing issues and more. The Member Board of Trustees currently meets via Google+ on the first and third Monday of each month from 7:45-9:30pm ET. You can find out what they discuss and decide at these meetings by perusing their meeting minutes.
Who can be nominated to the Board of Trustees?
Our constitution requires a person to be a member of Awakening Together for 2 years in order to serve on the Board of Trustees.
How do I nominate someone for the Board of Trustees?
You may nominate yourself or someone else to the Member Board of Trustees. If you are nominating someone else, it is a good idea to get his/her permission first.
To nominate a person, contact us and let us know who you’d like to nominate.
All nominations received by June 5 will be put on the nominee list as long as the nominee has been a member for at least 2 years. Note: The earlier a nomination is received, the greater the nominee’s chance of making it to the ballot.
Are all nominees put on the ballot?
No. In order for a nominee to be placed on the ballot, 10% of the membership must support the nomination. If there aren’t enough nominees who receive support from 10% of the membership, the Member Board of Trustees will select nominees for the ballot.
How does a nominee get support from the membership?
Each nominee will be listed under the News & Docs menu on the Awakening Together website.
Members are encouraged to visit that link regularly between May 22 and June 5. When you see a nominee that you want to support, contact us and let us know who you’d like to support.
How many people can I nominate or support?
Each member may nominate or support up to two nominees since there are two seats available to be filled on the Member Board of Trustees. (For example, if you nominate one person you can support another person. You have a total of two voting credits to use in the nomination/support process.)
How are nominees elected to the Member Board of Trustees?
Each nominee that receives support from 10% of the membership or from the Member Board of Trustees will be placed on the ballot if he/she accepts the nomination. The ballot will be sent to all members via email on June 16. You will have until July 3 to place your vote. The two nominees receiving the most votes during the ballot process will be elected to the Member Board of Trustees.
How can I get to know the nominees before I vote?
Each nominee who accepts the nomination will be asked to provide a photo and biography. These will be posted on the Awakening Together Website under the News & Docs menu. In addition, nominees are invited to share a little about themselves at the Member Meeting on June 11 at 8pm ET.
Who is currently on the Member Board of Trustees?
You can see the list of current Trustees along with pictures and brief biographies under the About menu on the Awakening Together website,
I still have questions.
If you still have questions, contact us.
Paltalk has created a new version of Paltalk for the PC. When you enter Paltalk, you may be prompted to Update Paltalk Now. When you update, the new version will be significantly different from the current one.
Note: You can choose not to update by choosing Remind Me Later.
When you do update, you can learn how to use the new version of Paltalk from these Quick Start Guides, which were developed specifically for Awakening Together:
Quick Start Guide for the PC
Quick Start Guide for the Mac
Awakening Together has developed Quick Start guides to help people enter our online Sanctuary and use the Sanctuary tools. We have three Quick Start guides available:
Quick Start Guide for the PC
Quick Start Guide for the Mac
Quick Start Guide for the I-Phone
These guides can be found on awakening-together.org under Sanctuary, How to Enter the Sanctuary.
Please share these guides with friends who are new to the Sanctuary.
As the turmoil in the world appears to escalate, we are called more than ever to deepen our commitment to peace of mind as our primary goal. To that end, Carol Howe, biographer of ACIM co-scribe Bill Thetford and one of the first teachers of the Course, will share 40 years of teaching and counseling insight and experience on this all-important subject.
Each week, she will draw from the great wealth of material covered in her highly-acclaimed video course, See How Life Works, the one-of-a kind series designed to clarify:
1) The purpose and practice of ACIM
2) The ego’s origin and process of letting it go
3) Healing relationships
4) Real forgiveness and its rewards
5) The restoring power of acceptance
6) The true path to healing
7) Cultivating trustworthy guidance
8) Choices that matter and guarantee results
A Course In Miracles is a brilliant and powerful spiritual technology, designed to help us completely reprogram our original false beliefs and conditioning. A modern masterwork based on ancient wisdom, it delivers the deep peace and safety it promises when we do what it asks. Our work this month will focus on clarifying this practice that resolves even the most difficult challenges and assures greater happiness for anyone.
About Carol Howe:
Carol is one of the original and most experienced teachers of A Course In Miracles. A personal friend of co-scribe Bill Thetford, she wrote his biography, Never Forget To Laugh, and is also the author of Healing The Hurt Behind Addictions. Throughout her 40 year career with ACIM, she has helped many thousands on their journey to inner peace.
Read an article that Carol wrote about Bill Thetford for Awakening Together.
Our Member Board of Trustees and Board of Directors have nominated and elected Rev. Sherry Daves to the Board of Directors. The Board of Directors is our senior board, which overseas the operation of the Member Board of Trustees. The Board of Directors is also responsible for approving Policies & Procedures, for hiring employees and for Awakening Together’s Budget.
Sherry Daves
Sherry’s journey on the path to remembering her connection to Spirit within began with ACIM in 1999; however, like the story is told so many times, that book got shelved for about ten years when she couldn’t wrap her head around it intellectually. When the book came back into her life again, this time it spoke directly to the heart and spurred a life-long passion and commitment to depth of knowing the inner Divine. Yoga practice, the study of NTI and other Eastern spiritual philosophies have helped deepen her spiritual commitment. She has been a practicing attorney for 25 years, with most of that time dedicated to financial reorganizations and, more recently, assisting nonprofits and grant-writing. She has assisted in organizing spiritual retreats and has been an Awakening Together ordained minister since 2016.