Reason will tell you that the only way to escape from misery is to recognize it “and go the other way.”
~ A Course in Miracles, Chapter 22.II
A universal assembly for true discernment
I have asked you to rest the mind. This is not a little request. To rest the mind frequently will bring the most insight. To rest it little will bring the least. The mantra “I am that I am” is a gift of awakening. Cherish it as a gift, and you give love to your reality.
~ From the Inner Teacher, Thoughts of Awakening
“I am that I am” is open. It is as open as the sky. It has no end. It continues forever. This is the best idea of you. This is the truth without definition. Do not put thought to this idea. Merely let it be thought, repeated, by the mind. And after it is thought, rest the mind without thinking, and then let this thought be thought again.
~ Thoughts of Awakening
“I don’t know who I am” is a helpful response to any thought that tries to define who you are. Definitions are closed and limiting. “I don’t know” opens to potential and discovery. “I don’t know who I am” is a statement that facilitates Self-discovery, because it is a statement that dissolves the idea that definitions are fact.
~ Thoughts of Awakening
Expansion is the realization of truth over illusion. It is the putting aside of limits, which never existed. It is seeing beyond false identity into the unknown and ungraspable, which is you. You are not to be controlled or limited, not even by you. You are to be discovered, and discovery happens through allowing the mystery.
~ Thoughts of Awakening
Within you there is a place where I am and you are and there is no difference between us. This is a state of oneness, where the two are joined, and they are the same one. There is no loss in this state of awareness. There is only more. This is why I have asked you to inquire deep and broad. Within depth, there is expansion.
~ From the Inner Guide, Thoughts of Awakening
Rest the mind frequently today, as often as you remember, and notice as you take a moment to do nothing and to think nothing that you exist. Just notice this. Notice that nothing needs to be done for this one magnificent fact to be true. Nothing needs to be thought to realize this truth. The fact of existence already is. It is now. It is true. It is complete. And take a moment to thank your Father for the gift of existence.
~ Thoughts of Awakening