Title: “What Is Your Purpose, What Do You Value?”
Reading: Lyn Johnson read excerpts from A Course in Miracles.
A universal assembly for true discernment
Title: “What Is Your Purpose, What Do You Value?”
Reading: Lyn Johnson read excerpts from A Course in Miracles.
Join us on Sunday, October 6th, 2024, at 1:30 pm ET/11:30 am MT for Reflections from the 2024 Pilgrimage to New Mexico.
The Awakening Together 2024 pilgrimage took place amidst the enchanting landscapes and sacred sites of New Mexico. It was a Sangha-led experience where participants explored historical towns, breathtaking natural wonders, and places of deep spiritual significance
During this program, participants will have the opportunity to reflect on their transformative experiences, sharing insights as they immersed themselves in the rich history and spiritual heritage of New Mexico. They will also discuss any personal breakthroughs and wisdom gained during their time together.
All are welcome to join!
What is Truth? And how do we find it in a life that is pushed and pulled around by the cravings, aversions, and ignorance of the human mind and senses?
There can be no confusion about where to start, for it is all laid out within the eight limbs of Raja yoga, as described in the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali.
Shiny Things provides practical guidance to apply the path of Raja Yoga in daily life, relieving suffering and accessing an inner sparkle, within a supportive group environment. It includes consideration of how we conduct ourselves in the world, how we relate to our spiritual practices, appropriate care of the body and vitality, a gradual quieting of the mind and senses, throwing out what is false, and glimpsing what is True.
We will initially use the book by Bhava Ram: The Eight Limbs of Yoga, Pathway to Liberation, as an introductory guide. If you don’t have the book, you can still join us. Later in the year, we will commence a deeper immersion into a full commentary of The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali.
Title: “What Is Your Purpose, What Do You Value?”
*Weekly gathering is held every Sunday morning at 10:15 am ET/8:15 am MT in the Awakening Together Sanctuary. Join us after the Gathering for our Fellowship Time, hosted by Rev. Tawonda Chase.
Everything is already here now, so all we have to ‘do’ is be. In this program, Anja will look deeply into the now, the present moment, to explore how truth presents itself. She will be using everyday experiences and events to practice being present with what is. She will also share a variety of teachings about the now, the illusion of time, and resting in beingness. Some of the teachers and texts she will draw from are Eckhart Tolle, Lao Tzu, Angelo Dilullo, A Course in Miracles & NTI. Join Anja in using our everyday experiences to embrace the present moment and be.
The Awakening Together 2024 pilgrimage took place amidst the enchanting landscapes and sacred sites of New Mexico. It was a Sangha-led experience where participants explored historical towns, breathtaking natural wonders, and places of deep spiritual significance
During this program, participants will have the opportunity to reflect on their transformative experiences, sharing insights as they immersed themselves in the rich history and spiritual heritage of New Mexico. They will also discuss any personal breakthroughs and wisdom gained during their time together.
All are welcomed to join us!
Join Rev. Yolanda as she continues to share her beautiful voice and heart during The Mighty Companions Hour. This is a program she and her late, beloved husband, Rev. Glen Ganaway began in 2020.
Rev. Yolanda Mapes, who is an interfaith minister, shares a delightful, funny, and inspiring hour of A Course in Miracles. Come join in on the fun, the laughs, and the music while unlearning the ego through the lessons and chapters of ACIM.
You can discover more about the Mighty Companions on this website: www.themightycompanions.com. Also, Rev. Yolanda has a site where you can purchase her beautiful, spiritually uplifting music: www.Yolanda.net/audio If you feel to contribute to her ministry, you can do so here: www.patreon.com/RevYolanda
During this program, we will listen to a portion of each previously recorded “Clarifying the Teachings” program. Afterward, we will spend time contemplating and teaching ourselves what is most alive for us at the moment. We may also spend time practicing what Regina is teaching. And…we will start at the very beginning.
Bring your journals, openness, and curiosity as we explore what is most alive in us and ready to be seen. We hope you feel inspired to join.
The Sanctuary will close at 7:00 pm ET
Enter the Sanctuary or see the complete listing of speakers.
All Times are Eastern Standard Time – See helpful links below.
How to Enter the Sanctuary
This Gentle Healing Group Year 3 is being led by Rev. Sharon Hepburn. The Gentle Healing Curriculum guides committed students to make consistent, gentle progress toward genuine peace, joy, and love. This group began year 3 on January 24, 2024.
Here’s a direct link to the helpful facilitator guide for Gentle Healing Year 3 that helps you to know what week you are on: Click Here
Please join Dr. Christiane Michelberger who will be joining us for our October Satsang. Christiane will be interviewed by Yvonne Unger. This special pre-recorded event will take place:
Date: Sunday, October 20th, 2024
Time: Pre-Recording @ 7:00 p.m. ET / 5:00 p.m. MT.
Where: Awakening Together’s Zoom Sanctuary
Dr. Christiane Michelberger is a retired physician and psychoanalyst. In 1975 she embarked on the spiritual path after having been confronted with death. She studied Zen with the Zen Masters Prof. Nagaya Roshi and Willigis Jäger (Kyo un Ken). She was then issued a teaching permit from Willigis Jäger in 2002. Later, she turned to the teachings of the historical Buddha which are laid out in the Pali Kanon.
Having been diagnosed with breast cancer in 2015, her search became urgent. She found Kevin Schanilec, who had made the path to awakening accessible again. On the final leg of her journey, she used the path through the ‘Ten Fetters’, a concept that is laid out in the Pali Kanon. Two years later, what she hadn’t thought possible had happened. The self was fully gone, the truth was seen, and all suffering had ended.
For those who are eager to join the live Satsang, Yvonne Unger will be interviewing Dr. Christiane Michelberger :
Date: Sunday, October 20th, 2024
Time: Live @ 1:30 p.m. ET / 11:30 a.m. MT.
Where: Awakening Together’s Zoom Sanctuary
To learn more about Dr. Christiane Michelberger, please visit: findingawakening.com
This program is Awakening Together’s In the Company of Truth with Helen Hamilton which airs on the first Wednesday monthly from 3-4 pm ET. Helen’s core message is that the Realization of the True Self is possible for everyone, no matter what background you may have as long as you want it more than anything else. After all, we are only returning to our natural state, to what we already are. We are only coming to live as that Truth consciously.
Having reached a place of total peace, love, and joy, Helen has dedicated her life to helping others wake up too. The Truth is here and now and accessible to all. Helen will offer her teachings in this monthly Satsang to help you realize and BE the Self you already are.
For more information about Helen and to access her teachings, visit her website: www.HelenHamilton.org.
Rev. Anne Blanchard shares her experience of purification and awakening, unfiltered and as it happens. Raw, reflective, brave, and infused with clarity, Anne’s open honesty inspires us all to dive deep into the spiritual journey instead of simply skimming the surface. She continues to share deeply from various non-dual teachings and teachers.
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Weekly on Wednesdays 1-2 pm ET
*To add this program to your calendar click the three dots in the upper right-hand corner, then Copy, and then click Save.
With humor, love, and open-hearted awareness Rev. Rhoda Makled is exploring her own take on the Surrender Experiment as coined by Michael Singer. Raw, authentic, and faithful she is uncovering the path to living in the undefended Heart.
Rev. Rhoda will dig into topics she is exploring in her life such as what it means to live the experiment of being surrendered. Feeling every feeling and seeing every thought she can, Rhoda will share the journey of studying, journaling, contemplating, being inspired by, and surrendering to Truth. Inspired by so many teachers including those here at Awakening Together, Rhoda will share her contemplations and invites you to come and discuss your experience with your own surrender experiment. This undefended dialogue with Inner Wisdom is just one more way to observe as the self is undone–the intention being to leave space only for awareness of Awareness and release everything that covers Truth.
In this program, Rev. Rhoda will explore the teachings of Michael Singer, Regina Dawn Akers, Paul Hedderman, Roger Castillo, Helen Hamilton, and many more.
Live in the Sanctuary
Wednesdays 12:30-1 pm ET
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*To add a recurring program to your own calendar click the three dots in the upper right-hand corner, and then click “copy” and “save”.
Join us in the Forum for further discussion of this article.
Please join Rev. Yolanda as she continues to share her beautiful voice and heart during The Mighty Companions Hour. This is a program she and her late, beloved husband, Rev. Glen Ganaway began in 2020.
Rev. Yolanda Mapes, who is an interfaith minister, shares a delightful, funny, and inspiring hour of A Course in Miracles. Come join in on the fun, the laughs, and the music while unlearning the ego through the lessons and chapters of ACIM. You can find out more about the Mighty Companions on the website: themightycompanions.
Live in the Sanctuary on Sundays at 5 pm ET/3 pm MT.
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*We ask anyone who feels called to please help support our beloved Rev. Yolanda as she walks through this difficult time. Donations are now being accepted. Please clink on this link https://gofund.me/545d958a