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A universal assembly for true discernment
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Please join Rev. Yolanda as she continues to share her beautiful voice and heart during The Mighty Companions Hour. This is a program she and her late, beloved husband, Rev. Glen Ganaway began in 2020.
Rev. Yolanda Mapes, who is an interfaith minister, shares a delightful, funny, and inspiring hour of A Course in Miracles. Come join in on the fun, the laughs, and the music while unlearning the ego through the lessons and chapters of ACIM. You can find out more about the Mighty Companions on the website: themightycompanions.
Live in the Sanctuary on Sundays at 5 pm ET/3 pm MT.
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*We ask anyone who feels called to please help support our beloved Rev. Yolanda as she walks through this difficult time. Donations are now being accepted. Please clink on this link https://gofund.me/545d958a
Rev. Jacquelyn Eckert and Connie Poole play Regina Dawn Akers’ Early Teaching videos and invite those in attendance to contemplate those teachings along with them.
Because these teachings are so helpful, Jacquelyn and Connie plan to slowly review them by playing one or two of them each week and contemplating them in a group format.
Live in the Sanctuary Weekly on Tuesdays 6:30-7:30 pm ET
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Here’s a link to RDA Early Teaching that will be played next week: “Purifying the Mind of False Beliefs, Part 4“
Rev. Dianne Scott guides a group of committed students through year 1 of Gentle Healing who want to make consistent, gentle progress toward genuine peace, joy, and love. This group meets weekly on Tuesdays at 3-5 pm ET/1-3 pm MT. All members are committed to specific assignments and practices between group meetings.
During our time together, we will explore what it takes to live from an open, undefended heart. Naturally, any true exploration of living from the heart necessarily entails taking a deep and sustained look at what prevents us from keeping our hearts open. Grounded in the knowledge that the essence of us, our true nature, is the very lovingness within us all, we will explore how to recognize and release egoic energies by cultivating open-hearted awareness practices which support us in directly experiencing our true Self. By leaning into willingness, steeped in self-honesty, and with a consistent dash of courage, we endeavor to open to whatever life brings, as it brings it, that is, on life’s terms. In so doing, we trust that everything – absolutely everything – is here for us to use for healing, for purification, and for learning to live from the heart. We look forward to supporting each other in our individual explorations of how we truly embrace the entirety of this show we call life.
To deepen further into the teachings from Heart Exploration here’s a link to the Being Aware of Awareness meditation podcast. In these meditations, the reading from Heart Explorations is contemplated.
Live in the Sanctuary Weekly on Tuesdays, 9-11 am ET
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Rev. Michele Hojnacki guides a group of committed students through year 2 of Gentle Healing who want to make consistent, gentle progress toward genuine peace, joy, and love. This group meets weekly on Mondays at 5-7 pm ET/3-5 pm MT and all members are committed to specific assignments and practices between group meetings.
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Homework for next week:
A Course in Miracles is a complete self-study spiritual thought system. As a three-volume curriculum consisting of a Text, Workbook for Students, and Manual for Teachers, it teaches that the way to universal love and peace—or remembering God—is by undoing guilt through forgiving others.
The Course thus focuses on the healing of relationships and making them holy. A Course in Miracles also emphasizes that it is one version of the universal curriculum, of which there are “many thousands.” Consequently, even though the language of the Course is that of traditional Christianity, it is a universal spiritual teaching.
In this class you will:
1. Become familiar with main themes taught in A Course in Miracles.
2. Apply the teachings of A Course in Miracles to the everyday circumstances that arise in your daily life.
3. Practice the first forty-two lessons of A Course in Miracles Workbook for Students.
Course Duration: 6 weeks
Homework begins: October 14, 2024
Last Day of Course: November 24, 2024
Coursework: There will be buddy peer review of homework 2 times per week. There is homework 7 days per week.
Facilitators: Revs. Kate Brennan and Cyndi Krupp
Cost: $180
Textbook needed: is Living A Course in Miracles by Jon Mundy.
Course Type: Offered in the Forum
Registration closes: October 8, 2021 @ 5 p.m. ET
For more information on this class, click here.
In August of 2024, Rev. Billy Sintiris shared during a Weekly Gathering from a writing he and Rev. Meg Reinhart had contemplated. This writing was based on a teaching from Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj. If you’d like to listen to the weekly gathering audio you can find the link here.
The world you see is nothing but a fleeting spectacle—a dazzling display without substance, existing only as long as you choose to engage with it. It has no true cause or purpose, merely serving as a distraction for the unawakened mind. To the Self, or Atman, the world is simply a colorful play, enjoyed while it lasts but ultimately forgotten when it ends.
The only true reality is the observer, the Self, who remains untouched by the illusions and transient dramas of the world. The enlightened one, or Jnani, moves through life without being swayed by the oscillations of joy and sorrow, life and death. They understand that all of these experiences are just a part of the show—real only to those who are bound by them, but ultimately devoid of any lasting substance.
In the state of true realization, the Jnani experiences a profound, uncaused bliss—a happiness that is intrinsic, independent of external conditions. Unlike those who seek happiness through transient pleasures and fear suffering, the Jnani knows that their state of being is their own, untouched by the shifting tides of the world. This bliss is closer and more real than even the body, more intimate than the mind itself.
The world, in its entirety, arises from nothingness and eventually returns to nothingness. Yet, for those who are not awakened, it seems filled with creators, preservers, and destroyers—forces that govern their perception of reality. However, once you step into the state of Self-realization, these distinctions dissolve, and you come to see yourself in everything. The world’s illusions fade away, revealing the true nature of existence.
Though the Jnani perceives the world as others do, they do not believe themselves to be a part of it. They see it instead as an iridescent drop in the vast ocean of consciousness—a small, ephemeral reflection in the infinite expanse of awareness. As they journey through life, they grow increasingly peaceful, knowing that they are returning home. The burden of the body lessens with each passing day, and the mind becomes serene, free from desire and aversion. Every sensation is met with equanimity and an affectionate detachment, as the Jnani understands that these experiences are as fleeting as the world itself.
The suffering of the body may persist, but it is of no consequence. Whatever state the Jnani finds themselves in, they accept it as it is, recognizing it as merely a state of mind. They are neither the body nor the experiencer of the body; they are the pure awareness that underlies all experience. Outer events do not mold their inner state, for at the root of their being is a speck of intense light—pure consciousness. This light naturally radiates and creates images in space and events in time, effortlessly and spontaneously. When the mind becomes active, distinctions arise, and with them, pleasure and pain. But in the stillness of pure awareness, these dualities cease to exist.
The liberated one is alone, yet they are all. They are not a being, but the very essence of beingness in all things. Even this description falls short, for they are beyond words and concepts, the ground from which all existence springs.
Everyone dies as they live. But the Jnani is not afraid of death, for they are not afraid of life. They live a life of true happiness and will die a death free from fear. Misery comes from the illusion of birth, not from death. In reality, the Jnani was never born, and so they cannot grow old. What appears to others as a person is merely a projection in their minds. The Jnani is not concerned with such illusions.
In my world, no one is born, and no one dies. Life’s journey is just a dream, and the only reality is waking up from it. Recognizing the ‘I am’ as the ultimate reality is enough. This realization is the seed of Self-awareness, which, once planted, will inevitably grow into the mighty tree of enlightenment, no matter how long it takes.
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Rev. Jacquelyn Eckert facilitates this weekly program.
During this program, we listen to a portion of each previously recorded “Clarifying the Teachings” program. Afterward, we spend time contemplating and teaching ourselves what is most alive for us in the moment. We may also spend time practicing what Regina is teaching. And…we start at the very beginning.
Bring your journals, openness, and curiosity as we explore what is most alive in us and ready to be seen. We hope you feel inspired to join.
Live in the Sanctuary Weekly on Sundays at 7 pm ET/5 pm MT
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Rev. Shawna demonstrates the art of Sacred Inquiry in real-time. She follows Guidance, questioning each layer that the thinking mind offers as it attempts to hide the blocks to the Wisdom inherent in us all. She listens, going deeper into beginners’ Mind, with humble and honest curiosity. This is an evolving process, as she feels for the vibrational level of each thought, exploring and fully feeling What IS. Her real-time contemplation is guided moment to moment by Inner Wisdom.
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Live in the Sanctuary Weekly on Sundays from 1-1:30 pm ET
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