You can see beyond the veil of illusion
when you see beyond ideas
to the beauty and perfection of formless life
(which ideas cover and block
with illusion).
~From our Holy Spirit
A universal assembly for true discernment
Look carefully at your thoughts.
Look deeply at your thoughts.
Look honestly at your thoughts.
What are they bringing to you?
What is the experience they give?
Is this the experience you wish to have?
Are you willing to let go of the thoughts that hurt you?
If not, why not?
What are you holding onto?
~From our Holy Spirit
One idea that you are invested in
is the idea of who you are.
Your thoughts speak to you of who you are
and what you need in order to be happy.
And yet,
these thoughts are obstacles,
which blind you to what you are.
And they are ideas that teach you
how to have the experience
of not being happy.
~From our Holy Spirit
Self-judgment is an obstacle
that need not be.
When you see the mind
choosing to judge itself,
remember that the mind is defining you,
and then judging what it has defined.
In other words,
it is declaring an idea to be reality,
then judging the idea it has made.
Step back from this process,
and notice this ‘doing’ in the thinking mind.
As you observe this doing,
you observe the mechanics called ‘ego’.
~From our Holy Spirit
O Holy Brother of Mine,
As you come to look upon the ego,
you may at first experience great pain.
Embrace the pain, Holy One.
It is a gift come to awaken you.
Continue to ask to look and see,
that you may see the blindness you have made.
In seeing it, you tire of it.
And you will choose to want it no more.
~From our Holy Spirit
Blindness affects not truth.
Blindness affects only the experience of truth,
making it seem to be something it is not.
Since blindness affects not truth,
truth reins Supreme.
And the light of truth can again be chosen
when the mind has tired of blindness.
(Accept what I say in stillness and rest.)
~From our Holy Spirit
Separation is an idea.
It is an idea that is not supported by fact.
Therefore, separation is an idea
that is false.
Belief in this idea creates experiences,
but the experiences are not the experience of truth.
They are the experience of living within truth,
but seeing apart from it.
In this way, we can say that the belief in separation
creates blindness.
~From our Holy Spirit