Today is a day of recognizing
the silent, still Source within.
Focus on one word today
and let all else be as it is.
The one word is this:
Focus on this word today,
and let it speak volumes.
~From our Holy Spirit
A universal assembly for true discernment
Ideas come from nothingness.
Ideas based upon ideas
are not ideas of Source,
which is the soil of stillness;
they are ideas of illusion,
born out of the artificiality
of other ideas.
All ideas are artificial,
but ideas born of Source
speak of Source
and point to Source.
Ideas born of other ideas
only further echo
the ever-extending-ideas
of artificiality.
~From our Holy Spirit
The head speaks of leading.
The heart does not.
Follow in order to lead.
Today is a day of quietness,
a day of getting in touch with the heart.
Although its Voice is quiet,
it is also loud;
but the voice of the head must be quieted
in order to hear the heart.
A mere shift in listening,
which is a shift in intention and desire,
allows the mind to quiet for a moment,
so the loudness of the quiet heart
can be heard.
~From our Holy Spirit
Who are you?
You are all things.
How are you all things?
You are the formless energy
that flows in and out of all things
and becomes all things.
How do you effect all things?
Simply through the energy
you choose to be.
It is beingness that matters,
because it is beingness that causes effects,
both true and untrue.
~From our Holy Spirit