Love is living,
and love is
all there is.
Open your eyes.
This is the one unifying field.
It is life living now.
~From our Holy Spirit
A universal assembly for true discernment
On Day 178, we were reminded that the world comes from the wish, “What if nothing was as it is?,” and so the world is necessarily not truth.
Consider this quote by Ramana Maharshi:
Happiness is your nature.
If happiness is our true nature, but we asked to experience something different from truth, doesn’t that mean that we asked for experiences that are different from happiness?
We can each list a number of experiences that we have in the world that are different from happiness. For example: stress, worry, jealousy, unworthiness, guilt, anger, frustration, confusion, embarrassment, regret, grievance, insulted, stereotyped, imposed upon, and the list continues.
The Ramana Maharshi quote says:
Happiness is your nature.
It is not wrong to desire it.
What is wrong is seeking it outside when it is inside.
It isn’t a question of whether we want happiness or not. Since happiness is our true nature, it is our nature to want happiness. The question is merely this:
Do we think we will find happiness through “right” circumstances in the world, which is created to give us an experience different from happiness, or do we realize that happiness is found by knowing and being our Self?
If our thoughts are focused on the world, the underlying motive is an experience that is different from truth, which is different from our true nature—different from happiness.
In the loop of experience, motive is “what I think.” And “what I think, I see; what I see, I experience.” So if our motive is “different from truth,” we experience “different from truth.” In other words, when our attention is focused on thoughts about the world, we currently desire “different from truth,” and we will experience it.
Or, as today’s reading says:
Your thoughts form your experience. This is a literal statement, and it is to be taken literally.
Through intention, our thoughts can be used to let go of illusion and remember truth. For a list of ways our thoughts can be helpful, review yesterday’s tip.
Note: The next tip will be available tomorrow morning after 3:50am ET at this link.
What are you
if you are not bad?
What is life
if it isn’t fearful?
You are perfect freedom,
and beyond imagination,
although imagination is included
within the boundlessness
of your freedom.
Life is a word
for what you are.
is living
and free
and without end.
~From our Holy Spirit
On Day 170, we saw that although people think they have many desires, awake consciousness sees only two possible desires: truth or illusion. Today’s reading asks us to consider carefully which of these two we want. It also points out how we express the desire for illusion and how we express the desire for truth. The reading says:
Are you thinking of the illusion of the world as if it is real? If so, you are expressing your desire to accept the veil of darkness. Is this your true desire? If not, why do you permit yourself to express it through the activity of your thoughts?
Watch your thoughts. Ask them to express your true desire.
How can our thoughts express true desire?
Here are some suggestions:
Today’s reading says:
Your thoughts must do as you ask, because you are the thinker of your thoughts.
A thinker is one who has an intention regarding thought, so when NTI says “you are the thinker” it means that you get to choose the intention in the mind. You can decide if attention will wander with any thought that arises, or if it has an intention to focus on truth and let other thoughts go.
Note: The next tip will be available tomorrow morning after 3:50am ET at this link.
Fear says, “I am not love.
I am something bad.”
And so fear
runs and hides
and attacks and defends
and runs and hides some more.
But fear is only an idea in the mind.
It is a story.
It is not truth at all.
To see and realize truth
as it is right now
one must not listen
to the stories of fear.
To not listen
is not to believe.
To not listen
is to remember
that what fear says
isn’t true.
~From our Holy Spirit
Yesterday’s reading said:
Choose … to be independent of your experience.
Independent means free and unaffected.
Awakeness is free from the world and unaffected by it. That is why Jesus, as awakeness, said:
These things I have spoken to you, that in Me you may have peace. In the world you will have tribulation; but be of good cheer, I have overcome the world. (John 16:33)
In NTI Romans, we learned about the curiosity that created the creative principle, and via the creative principle, create the world and the ego. That curiosity is:
What if nothing was as it is?
The ego and the world, which are created through and for this curiosity, are necessarily not truth. They are appearances created through the creative principle, and their appearance appears as anything but truth. That’s why they are called “illusion.”
To look at something that is created specifically for the purpose of appearing different from truth and to hope to find evidence of truth in it is foolishness. Yet, that is a mistake that spiritual seekers make all of the time.
For example, one democratic-minded spiritual seeker was thrilled when Barrack Obama was elected president of the United States in 2008. She saw his election as evidence that the world was awakening. Of course, since then Donald Trump has been elected president and has undone many of the policies Barrack Obama put in place. Does that mean the world has fallen asleep again?
What about when a war ends, such as World War II? Is that a victory for awakening? What about the wars and crimes against humanity that have occurred since then?
What about when a personal problem is resolved? Don’t new problems arise to replace it?
The world is an appearance that is made to appear different from truth. One of those differences is change. If you watch the world carefully, you will notice that change is the world’s greatest constant. (Admittedly, it is change within a limited buffet of reoccurring problems.) Sometimes the world changes so that specific situations are temporarily “good” by the mind’s standards, but “good” will always eventually be replaced by “bad.”
Look carefully at the world, regardless of whether your mind judges it as “good” or “bad,” and realize that it’s not truth. It’s not truth, and truth can’t be found in the world.
Let the world be as it is. Don’t seek truth by seeking permanent good in the world. You will eventually be disappointed.
Seek truth by looking within. Find that which is absolutely changeless. See that is what you are, and abide as that. You are the only truth that can be found in the world—and actually, the world is an appearance in you.
Know your Self, and be your Self. Truth is known by being it.
Note: The next tip will be available tomorrow morning after 3:50am ET at this link.
Yesterday’s reading pointed out that our experience comes from the thoughts we listen to in the mind instead of from the outer appearance. It recommended that we listen to a “true interpretation” instead of a false one. Allowing attention to shift from one interpretation to another is called “changing your mind.”
Today’s reading points out that it isn’t just the act of changing our mind that affects our experience. Our motive, or the reason that we change our mind, is also important.
Today’s reading begins:
Do not change your mind out of fear, but out of love, for Love is the only power that is real.
When you change your mind out of fear, you attempt to change your experience, because you believe your experience is lord.
There are three definitions of fear below this paragraph. Please read the first definition of fear, and then read the sentences above from today’s reading with that definition in mind. Next, read the second definition of fear, and then read the sentences above with that definition in mind. Do the same with the third definition. As you do this exercise, let clarity arise regarding how you change your mind out of fear. If it feels helpful, take time to journal about it. You can ask spiritual intuition, “How do I change my mind out of fear?” After you’ve practiced this exercise, continue reading the tip.
Definitions of fear:
~ ~ ~
Love is emptiness. Emptiness does not have an ulterior motive. While in the process of purification, we can say that love has no motive except for your spiritual aspiration.
When we change our mind out of love, we aren’t trying to change any external or internal experience. We change our mind simply because we want truth. There is no attempt to manipulate experience.
When we change our mind in order to manipulate experience, our motive is fear. If our motive is fear, fear is fed into the creative principle, and fear will continue to be experienced.
Do you remember this loop of experience?
What I think, I see (perceive).
What I see, I experience.
What I experience, I think.
(And the loop continues.)
Ulterior motives are “What I think, …” Ulterior motives feed into the creative principle and the loop of experience.
That means that in addition to watching the overt thoughts in the mind, we need to be alert to covert motives. You can discover hidden motives through root cause inquiry. You can do root cause inquiry through journaling, or you can do root cause inquiry through looking. You can simply look and ask yourself questions like, “What is my motive?” or “Am I trying to avoid anything?”
Today’s reading says:
Choose instead to be independent of your experience.
Independent means “free from outside control.” We typically call that “unaffected.”
One who is independent of outer circumstances has no need to change those circumstances. She can let outer circumstances be as they are.
Likewise, one who is independent of emotional experiences has no need to change or get rid of emotions. He can let them be as they are.
It’s also true that one who is independent is not engrossed in mind’s stories. One who is independent desires only truth, and if that one finds himself listening to stories, he will change his mind simply because he seeks truth. That is changing one’s mind “out of love.”
Note: The next tip will be available tomorrow morning after 3:50am ET at this link.
Fear will hold you back from forgiveness.
Fear will hold you back
from letting go of
a false idea as false.
Fear will tell you
that it protects you from harm
and to let go of the idea in question
is to open up to complete vulnerability
and harm.
But fear is just a story.
Fear is an illusion itself.
It promises to care for you,
but what it says isn’t true.
Look at the idea of fear.
Look at its counsel
until you see it isn’t true.
You are free to practice forgiveness
when you’ve learned
not to listen to fear.
~From our Holy Spirit
On Day 166, we learned about “points of experience.” We learned that points of experience are thoughts that give us an emotional experience, so we can have an experience that is different from truth. These thoughts typically enter the mind as stories, which we are enticed by. When we believe these stories, we experience the emotion(s) derived from the story’s thought-energy. We can also become addicted to some emotions—such as anger, jealousy, guilt and worry, to name a few—and then we tend to feel strongly compelled to believe stories with those energies as their base.
When we feel compelled to believe stories with particular energies as their base, we feel as if we are at the mercy of situations in the world. For example, if I am addicted to worry, I find many situations in the world that I believe cause me to worry. I think worry is necessary, because of everything that is going on in the world. I don’t realize that I experience worry because of the thoughts I listen to in the mind. I also don’t realize that I could have a different experience if I made different choices in the mind.
Today’s reading emphasizes that our experience comes from the choices we make in the mind, not from the world as it appears.
Every situation in the world can be interpreted through inner spiritual wisdom or it can be interpreted by the ego. The ego is the projection of the wish for experience that is different from truth, so when a situation is interpreted by ego, it will give an experience that is different from truth. However, inner spiritual wisdom’s interpretation points toward truth.
We will experience ourselves as subject to the world’s circumstances or we will see ourselves on a path of awakening, depending on the interpretation we choose in the mind.
Again, it’s not what is happening in the world that affects our experience. It is the interpretation that we listen to that affects our experience.
The empty shell listens to the silent message of truth, and so it experiences the bliss of truth realization. Before we have become the empty shell, inner spiritual wisdom interprets every event in a way that moves us towards emptiness. It interprets every event for the healing of the mind. The mind heals by letting go of what isn’t true while accepting the truth as it is.
Note: The next tip will be available tomorrow morning after 3:50am ET at this link.