Gina Lake reads a passage from one of her channeled books:
The Jesus Trilogy
A Heroic Life
In the World but Not of It.
This is either followed with a talk by her or a channeled session with Jesus about the passage.
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A universal assembly for true discernment
Gina Lake reads a passage from one of her channeled books:
The Jesus Trilogy
A Heroic Life
In the World but Not of It.
This is either followed with a talk by her or a channeled session with Jesus about the passage.
Listen to this recording
Gina Lake reads a passage from one of her channeled books:
The Jesus Trilogy
A Heroic Life
In the World but Not of It.
This is either followed with a talk by her, or a channeled session with Jesus about the passage.
Listen to this recording
Gina Lake reads a passage from one of her channeled books. The Jesus Trilogy, A Heroic Life or In the World but not of It. This is either followed with a talk by her or a channeled session with Jesus, about the passage.
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Coming from my early Jewish upbringing and tradition, I looked out on a world which appeared unloving, unfair, prejudiced, and fast to pass judgment on anyone who did not meet with “their” standards.
Even looking within my own religion, I noticed during my teenage years, that there was disparity within the religion itself, as well as anger towards “those” outsiders who were outspoken in their feelings towards minorities.
It did not appear to me in those early days of my life that there was a lot of love in the world. Yet I was determined to go out into the world and find the Love that I believed must be there, somewhere. My life took the form of “looking for love in all the wrong places”. I went through my own mid-life crisis. Having first acquired all the props of success in my 20’s, none of it gave me the happiness that I dreamed the world offered when I followed its rules.
My spiritual rebirth came in 1972, along with Divine Guidance, “love the truth”
I found ACIM 5 years later. I was a slow learner as I counted on my intellectual ability to grok the Course by studying the Course for many years trying to connect all the dots in the 1300 pages.
It has only been the past few years that I have come to a whole new understanding of its Purpose and its Rewards. Recognizing the Voice within me as my Higher Self, The Holy Spirit that dwells within us all as my Internal Guide, I have learned Trust in a way that the Course speaks about, yet must be experienced by the Student to fully Appreciate.
I am Grateful for the recognition of our Father’s Love for us all giving us His Gift to us as Spirit who knows us as Perfect and is not fooled by the forms of this world I have given meaning to, yet can now see them through the eyes of Spirit and Forgiveness.
I had an NDE, (a near death experience) where I left my body and calmly looked down upon my body back in 1980. For many years, I had interpreted that event as seen through the eyes of my ego, where I did not know why I came back and had come up with 2 possible “meanings” which seemed rational, according to what the world would agree was “sane”.
Recently the Spiritual Eye within me gently showed me that the Peace and Calm I experienced in those moments which I looked down upon my body came from the fact that my Higher Self gave it no meaning…. that my ego thought system would give “all of its meanings” to it.
My path now is extending that experience by using my underlying mantra for looking at the world I see, recognizing that “I do not know what anything is for” from WB Lesson 25, and now Ask to have it shown to me.
It is this willingness that has provided me with a “Letting go” process. Holy Spirit recently showed me “Losing your baggage is a good thing.”
Today I use as my bottom line signature “Laughter NOW, saves lifetimes later.”
I now see that all the meanings I have given to everything in this world, including the thoughts I had when I was young and seeing the world thru the eyes of my personality, I saw what I wanted to see, and felt it was an attack on me.
I took it seriously then. Now I can step back, smile at it, recognizing that is what I wanted it to mean. What I took seriously, I can smile and laugh at it now. Thank You for asking for my story.
In Appreciation & Gratitude
Laughter Now saves lifetimes later
Always in Honor of You
In Appreciation * Gratitude
David Fishman
Facebook Page
Open Minds for ACIM & NTI
Follow on @dovpeace
Laughter Now Heals!
Always in Honor of You
In Appreciation * Gratitude
David Fishman
Facebook Page
Open Minds for ACIM & NTI
Developing Trust since 2004
Co-founder of ONEMIND Foundation
a 501 (c)(3) Tax Exempt Non-Profit Org.
Follow on @dovpeace
Laughter Now Heals!
Gina Lake reads a passage from one of her channeled books:
The Jesus Trilogy
A Heroic Life
In the World but Not of It.
This is either followed with a talk by her or a channeled session with Jesus, about the passage.
Listen to this recording
Gina Lake reads a passage from one of her channeled books:
The Jesus Trilogy
A Heroic Life
In the World but Not of It.
This is either followed with a talk by her or a channeled session with Jesus, about the passage.
Listen to this recording
Gina Lake reads a passage from one of her channeled books:
The Jesus Trilogy
A Heroic Life
In the World but Not of It.
This is either followed with a talk by her or a channeled session with Jesus, about the passage.
Listen to this recording
Rev. Jacquelyn Eckert interviewed Mary Reed. Mary is an “accidental” mystic who, following eleven years of profound, involuntary visions and insights into divine realms, surrendered her executive life in Washington, DC to explore her spiritual gifts in a remote Buddhist nunnery in India. She grew up without any interest in religion but with an innate knowing that humans had more ability to access greater wisdom than most seemed to realize.
When not immersed in silence and contemplation in the Himalayas, Mary inspires audiences far and wide with her story and perspectives. Using the unique lens of mysticism through which she has been viewing both Divine and earthly realms for fifteen years, Mary’s 2016 tour focused on the answer to a single question: If Love is all we need, then why hasn’t it ever been enough to make our suffering go away? In her words, “If we want a world in which Love really is all we need, then we need to know what Love really is. And if we as individuals want to be part of the awakening experience that is manfiesting that world, then we need to know what it is to BE that Love.”
Mary’s website:
Gina Lake reads a passage from one of her channeled books:
The Jesus Trilogy
A Heroic Life
In the World but Not of It
This is either followed with a talk by her or a channeled session with Jesus, about the passage.
Listen to this recording
Gina Lake reads a passage from one of her channeled books:
The Jesus Trilogy
A Heroic Life
or In the World but Not of It
This is either followed with a talk by her or a channeled session with Jesus about the passage.
Listen to this recording