Day 89 Assignment
This evening (or tomorrow morning):
- Read NTI Mark 8 (v1-13).
- Consider this part of today’s story: “Every man and woman and child who is gathered here today has been given all that he needs in order to find the presence of our Father. Our heavenly Father is not of this world, so He cannot be found in this world. Seek not in the world for our Lord. Seek not from men. Seek where this tiny morsel of food has gone. Let it be your guide. Follow it to the presence of the Father within, and let Him guide you to the truth you seek.”
- Contemplate that everything you need for happiness, peace and fulfillment is within you. Write one sentence to a few sentences that will help excite you about seeking within.
- At a time that is convenient for you, set a timer for 10 minutes and relax with the inner calling.
- At least 8 times during the day, pause for a few moments and reflect on your sentence(s) from #3 above.