Day 67 Assignment
This evening (or tomorrow morning):
- Awareness exercise: You watched your mind for judgment. Recall one situation that stands out to you now. Look at that situation in your memory, and write about that scene in your day as if you were writing about it in a novel. Consider writing about the trigger situation, what you were aware of with your senses (what you heard, saw, etc), the thoughts that were in your mind, images that were in your mind, how your body felt, etc. Write with as much detail as you can. It’s possible clarity may arise as you write with awareness; if it doesn’t, remember that “awareness alone is curative.”
- Read NTI Matthew 26 (v36-38) thru (v47-49).
- Set a timer for 8 minutes and practice the appreciating life meditation.
- Pay careful attention to your mind. Notice when you are thinking with fear (worry, anxiety, etc). When you see those types of thoughts, pay attention to the situation as if you will write about it later. After noticing what you notice, see Jesus as your example as you say, “I am willing to be aware of fear without fearing it,” and then relax and become the superconductor.