Day 210 Assignment
This evening (or tomorrow morning):
- Read NTI John 17 in full.
- Contemplate the following excerpt from today’s reading. Write down the clarity that comes to you through the contemplation: “Many aspects of the Light are not ready to see they are the Light. This is not a problem, because they are the Light anyway. But you, who are reading these words, are ready to know the Light that you are. And so I shall lead you, but I shall lead you from within.”
- Meditate by focusing on being. If you would like to, watch this video as you practice the meditation: Calming Turquoise River & Waterfall
- Notice when you are upset to any degree to include feeling unworthy, guilty, stressed, anxious or worried.
(a) When you notice an upset, ask: What guidance do you have for me now?
(b) Follow the intuitive prompt that comes.
(You may always select another meditation video from this playlist.)