Day 154 Assignment
This evening (or tomorrow morning):
- Select a recent upset. See if you can discover your mind’s interpretation of the situation. You will most likely have to dig deeper than the surface story to see what was really going on with you.
- Read NTI Luke 13 (v10-17) to the end of the chapter.
- Select from one of the following meditation options:
~ Set a timer for 15-30 minutes and practice the Do Nothing Meditation. If you want to, select a video to use during the meditation session.
~ Practice this 27-minute guided “Doing Nothing” meditation by Rob Currie. Note: Music follows the guided meditation for those who want to meditate longer. - Throughout the day, watch for opportunities to put your thinking aside and ask: “What am I to do now,” “How am I to respond,” or “How shall I see this?” After asking, feel for an intuitive prompt. Trust what you feel, and do that.